Chapter Twenty-One: Mono's girlfriend

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"I'm glad you're feeling better, do you wanna talk about it?" Mono asked her. He was concerned, He didn't barge in her business or whatever but her reaction to shawn, he had a bad feeling. "You know..there's a rumor spreading around, that Shawn was the person who took you.." Mono said, hoping to get her to spill "whodunit". Six didn't say anything, but instead sat there in silence. She thought about what it was like down there, dark, dirty, quiet..she'd lost hope. Anytime she thought she had an escape he would shut her down immediately and assure her that Mono moved on and didn't care anymore. "If he loved you..even an ounce, he would've found you by now" He said. That thought began to circle around her head, along with Tyla and Eleven "joking" about Mono being her boyfriend...throwing those two sayings together the question crossed her mind, Had Mono moved on? The thought of this made her tear up, she'd forgotten that Mono was in the same room as her. She was always confused about how she felt about him, did she like him? Or was she just glad someone saved her, that she found another person. She knew she had feelings for him the moment she started to dream about him, when the thought of him crossed her mind she smiled. That's how she knew he was in love. "Six..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Mono said. Snapping out of her trance, she turned and noticed her face was wet with tears, she didn't even know she was crying. "'re okay" She sniffled, wiping the tears off her face with the palm of her hands. "I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry" Mono said, placing his hands on top of hers. Her face turned bright pink. "I said it's okay!" She stammered, yanking her hands away from his. Mono smiled and went back to whatever he was doing before. His smile, she thought. His smile could bring a smile to her face any time of the day.

"Mono?" She said. He turned to face her. " have a girlfriend?" She asked. Six had no idea how to get around the question, she just had to ask him straight up. "No..why?" He said, confused. She was relieved. I mean, that wasn't the answer she was expecting but she's glad that it was a No. "I was just curious because Tyla and Eleven were talking about it earlier.." Six said. "Oooh" He chuckled. "They joke about that kind of stuff all the time, don't take any of it seriously." Mono said. Six smiled. She was happy that he didn't have a girlfriend, she had a chance.

There was a knock at the door. "I'll get that!" Six shouted, running to the door. "Six-" Mono said. Six opened the door, there stood a guy with long hair and a serious facial expression. "Uh-" Six stammered. She felt like she'd seen him before, but she couldn't place her finger on it. "Dylan! My man!" Mono shouted running up to the door. "Mono!" Dylan shouted in response. Dylan finally brought his attention to Six, who was wearing Mono's clothes. He laughed quietly and looked at Mono, giving him a smirk. "See you've been..busy" Dylan said. Six turned to Mono, who looked at Dylan. Then it hit him what Dylan was implying and Mono turned bright red. "No! D-Don't, W-We didn't!" Mono was tripping over his words. Dylan laughed and ruffled his hair, "I'm just messing with you." He said laughing. Six closed the door and sat on the couch while Dylan and Mono talked for a couple of minutes. Dylan turned to Six. "Hey Six did you know that Mono has a-" A hand slapped over Dylan's mouth. "This doofus has nothing important to say, just ignore him" Mono said. Suddenly Mono's hand flew back "EW DUDE! DISGUSTING!" Mono quickly ran to the kitchen to wash his hand off. Dylan was cracking up on the floor. Six started to laugh, she had no idea what had happened but she wanted to feel included. "What did he do?" She asked. "HE LICKED MY HAND" Mono shouted. Dylan was laughing so hard tears were coming from his eyes. Mono came back into the living room, Dylan was finally calming down, coughing and gasping for breath as if he were drowning.

"You're disgusting" Mono shouted, wiping his hand continuously with a towel.

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