Chapter Seven-Yellow suits you

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It's the Morning, the sun shined through the window, and blinded Mono. Mono moved his hand cover the sun, he yawned and sleepily opened his eyes. He felt some one snuggle their face into his chest, Mono looked and sees Six, His face starts turning red. He slowly moves Six off of him and gets off the bed, His arm was grabbed, "Don't go" Six said sleepily, "I'll be back" He chuckled, Six let go of his hand and turned. Mono walked out of the room and grabbed the bandages, and students parts. He made his way the shop, "Mono!!" A voice called behind him, they ran up and gave him a huge hug, "Carrie! hey..." Mono awkwardly laughed, "You were gone for so long, I was worried you'd never come back!" She laughed, "OO whadda got there?" She tried examining the students body off of Mono's shoulder, "Nothing of your concern" Mono shrugged it off, She pouted again, then looked back to Mono. "I've always wondered.." Carrie tried taking his bag off. Mono shoved her hand away and pulled her bag back down to cover his face, "You can't even remove it for me?" Carrie pouted, "No." Mono walked off, Carrie was obsessed with him, every hour of the day she'd come by, what was so interesting about him to her?

He made his way into the shop, "Heyo" The shopkeeper waved, "Hey Tom" Mono placed the dolls body, and porcelain remains on the table, "What can I get for this?" Mono asked, "Well, we got some new food in, if your interested.." Tom moved his hands around while talking, "Sure, why not" Mono said. Tom walked away and came back with a bag, "Here ya go" Tom said reaching the bag out towards Mono, grabbing the bag he said, "Oh! before I forget, take these" He reached into his pocket and pulled out bandages, "Mono! you didn't have to, what do you want for these?" Tom asked, "Nothing!" Mono gestured his hand, "Consider it a donation" He chuckled. "Well, I can't let you go empty handed," Tom reached under the counter and pulled out a box, "Pick something out!" Tom dropped the box onto the counter, Mono looked through the box when something had caught his eye, he picked up the item, "I'll take this" He said, "A yellow raincoat?" Tom questioned, "It's not for me" He laughed, "Well..pleasure doin business with ya!" Tom waved.

Six woke up and yawned, she looked at her surroundings and saw Mono was gone. Did she really just cuddle with Mono?! Six got up and washed her face and went out towards the balcony, She looked out on the little village/safe haven. She didn't know there were more kids, She saw the guard, and then she saw Mono! She leaned on the fencing, admiring him, totally in a day dreaming state. She snapped out when she saw some come running up and hug Mono from behind, jealousy started rising. Who was this girl? and why was she hugging Mono? Were they in a relationship? No, that wouldn't make sense, the way that here and Mono were last night, he wouldn't do that if he was with someone...right? Six paced around the house for a few moments, wondering what her next move was. Did she go down there and figure out what was happening? Stay up here and not talk about it? Go down and beat up the girl? No, she couldn't do that, violence should be the last thing she resorts too.

After making up a few scenarios in her head, she decided going down there was a better idea than staying up here and not talking about it. Six walked out and climbed down the ladder when she heard "Six!" being whispered to her. She turned around to see Mono running towards her, "Six! what are you doing? get back up there!" He angrily whispered, Six quickly climbed up the ladder and so did Mono, "Moonoooo! what are you doing?" A voice called out, "ugh" Mono whispered, "Im busy! talk later!" He shut the door behind him. "Six! why did you climb down?" Mono asked, "Well, why can't I go down there?" Six scoffed, "Look, it's.." He walked over to the kitchen and started unpacking the food, "Its complicated okay? You CAN go down there-" Six cut him off, "So then why did you rush my back up?" She asked. Mono sighed, "Can you let me finish first?", "You can go down there, but just not right now" Mono said. "But whyyyy" Six groaned, "Like I said, complicated" Mono walked into his room. Six flopped on the couch, Mono came back out, "Look, I'm sorry okay, but you'll be able to walk around this place like everyone else, just..give me time to figure everything out" Mono pat her head, "Can you answer another question?" Six looked up, "Sure" He sat down next to her. "Who was that girl? the one that hugged you earlier, and called out to you when we were going back inside..?" Six looked at him, "Are you jealous?" He said leaning towards her face, "W-WHAT?! N-No! I'm not jealous!!" Six crossed her arms and looked away, "I'm joking, I'm joking" Mono laughed and softly punched her arm. "Anyways, that's Carrie" Mono said, "Are you guys...y'" Six looked to the floor, "Why do you ask?" Mono said, "I- uhm, I-" Six started tripping over her words, Mono chuckled and grabbed her chin, bringing her face towards his, "We're not dating, no need to worry about that if that was the reason you asked.." Mono said, Six smiled. Mono let go of her face and started walking towards his room again, "Oh and by the way" Mono paused, Six looked back at him, "You look cute when you blush" He chuckled and walked into his room. "Well..shit" Six mumbled.

(( Time skip ))

Mono is laying down on the couch when Six comes up to him, "Hey" He looks up to her, Six stares at Mono without saying a word, "Do you wanna...lay down?" Mono asks, Six walks up to Mono and lays onto of him, Cuddling him. Mono laid there in shock, blushing, good thing he has a bag over his head, "Are you okay?" Mono asked. Six just nodded her head, Mono looked at her and smiled. He took his hand and ran it through her hair and scratched her head. Six giggled in response, "Hate to break this, but before I forget I got you something!" Mono said, Six got off him and Mono ran back to his room and came out with something in his hands. He ran back over to Six and held his hands out, "Aww Mono you didn't have too" Six grabbed the coat and put it on. Mono smiled, "Yellow suits you"

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