Part 4

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I took my position in the living room. Where it's the darkest room in the house.


Grabbed the fly swatter, and the daggers and hid behind the couch.


Waiting for that witch to attack.

(2)I can just taste you.

For my position ready, ready to rumble.


My body is quiet, motionless ready to strike at anything that will come after me.


I'm getting closer, she says out loudly. Her voice echoed throughout the whole house.

As soon as she says that my heart beats faster, I think she can hear my heart beat more than my breathing.

She hits the walls in the hallway. You can just hear those nail just scratch the color off the green walls and stains them till they bleed.

I think she is getting closer, I calm myself down, I exhale a soft sigh.

I used the night vision goggles to check if she was there in the hallway.

Wait, I can't see no one in the hallways, where did she go.

I put my head forward and glanced one more time.

[Angie]Her high voice, are you scared?

Where dddidd ttthat come from? I stop and heard the slightest sound that didn't come from me.

In that instant, I felt something wet on my shoulder, I tilted my head up towards the ceiling.
I saw her...

I saw that crazy witch,

That Angel eating soul,

And that wicked looking girl, hanging on the ceiling. All her hands and feet are glued to the ceiling.

How did she do that?

She waited till I looked up and fell on me. It's like look, there is something falling from the sky.
The sky is falling the sky is falling.

After that surprise attack, dodge her and let her drop  directly on the hard concrete floor. I was happy to see her hit the floor, but she caught her self and balanced like a cat jumping off from a tree. It was like she was a different person, a different soul that came to my house to kill me.

When she came to the floor I bitched slap her with the fly swatter and she flew hard. Her head turned in slow motion her face expression was like what the fuck.

As soon as I hit her, I quickly ran in my room and hid in my messy closet.

I hear her.

She said in a creepy voice, Where are you, where are you Harry?

I don't make a sound, but I can hear her foot steps get closer and closer.

Her loud foot steps came stomping as my sweat came pouring out of me. I'm like literally waterfalling.

I still have my five daggers in my hand. I hear the noise had got to my room door. I heard the door creek up, and "sling, sling, sling, sling,

sling," I threw the daggers at her.

However, it wasn't her. It was a just a black cat that use to come in my room every night for some attention. But, I just only scared the cat, not harm it and the daggers just stayed on the wall.

I took out my whole body just to see if she was there.She wasn't. Where did she go?

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