Part 8

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It was a cop.

He was a little over weight guy with a very bright flashlight and he seems to sweat a lot. He seems that he didn't take a shower this morning because I can smell him from here. I can probably smell him from down the alley.

He had one of those blue uniforms on that matched with his black leathered boots, and its gold badge reflecting my face on its surface.

What the hell?

He comes at this time. I glace at my phone, its already past eleven o'clock at night.

The cop immediately squeezes one of my shoulders and flashes the light  in my face to see me. He yells in my ears almost breaking my ear drums  ",snap out of it! Where is she?"  

My eyes came back into earth and I was silent for a second, then reflected back to him,  "what?"

Where is this girl?

 " I don't know where she went?" I spoked back to him.

"What do you mean you don't know where she went," replied the officer.

"I chased her out of this area, but I had to follow her to make sure she got out completely. Then, I lost her again because of this dark alley."     

"Oh," said the cop.  "Let's go search for her together."

As soon as he said that in the corner of his eyes he saw something, he started to stutter in his voice for a quick minute and point towards the direction with the flash light, saying ",loo__ook behi___ndd y_ouu."

I turned with a perplex look on my face, what the hell is that?

In the dark of dark the flash shows, red eyes appearing out of no where. The red eyes illuminated its area. 
But then what is it?

The red light in its eyes isn't bright enough to see the whole body.But, the flashlight saw it all. This time I saw three pair of eyes.

Its thick fur covered its whole body and the there pair of eyes weren't suck together, they were separated. Its body looked like it took steroids. It had strength  like a gorilla, and its strong thick armor was as strong as a rino.

It seems to be miz with a lion and a bear, but with three heads.  Looks like its six feet tall. I thought it was kind of cool looking. It made me think it wasn't after all. It screamed like it was angry, "gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

 Its roaring voice echoed through the alley like we were at in a cave of wolves.

Afterward, I received a message, it was from Angie. What did she want?


Ready to play another a game. I let you play hide and sick. Let's go play tag, shall we.

My face was, like how did she know where I was. I quickly turned my head half way towards the thing with the crision eyes.

"I'm going to eat you till your remains is no more!!" he loudly told me with its deep devilish voice you hear on actor of Freddy Cougar.

Its voice left centipedes crawling its little feet on my spine. Every word it said, represented a little leg pinching each tiny bone connected to my spine.

As soon as, the pain and terror finished for a quick second, I clutched the cops wrist with my strong hands and ran like no tomorrow with him. We both ran together screaming our lungs out, like our souls are going to get sucked out our bodies.  The thing came running after us like a dog playing fetch. Its jumping like a dang kangaroo what in the hell is it.

Subsequently, we reached the ending point of the alley. I exit out the dark alley of death, but the cop was no where to be seen.

Did it take him.  "Nevermind," I say as I sniff the cold hot air.

I blew out a sign, with relief because I see the cop coming out.

But, I didn't see his whole body. Suddenly, the only lower half of his body flew like a airplane darting  towards me. The oozing blood poured out all over me and splattered on the concrete floor. I got closer to the body part to make sure it wasn't him, but it was. I remembered the blue uniform and the leathered boots as his attire. 

As I did a quick look at the cops lower remains, I bounced my head back to the alley and it was there.

"Oh goose buckets and eggs," my conscience cried.

What do I do?

My eyes began to pace left and right to diverse a strategy. But then...


Now it's time to actually start the game. Let the game begin. Fetch boy.

So they wasn't the beginning of the game earlier. That dam witch!

I pressured my eyes toward the monster real quickly and ran into the woods. Where the light will never show and the dark will never fade into the light.

This is serious, I have to stop this witch quick.

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