Chapter 20

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Kinsley's POV

"Kinsley what's wrong?" He asks as I wipe my face. I wipe the tears from my eyes as I stare at my phone. And then the words flow out, I tell him everything. Everything that's been wrong, everything that's happened, everything with Dixon.

"Grandpa what do I do?" I ask completely hopeless.

"Who do you love?" He asks as I sigh. "I love them all I love Savannah, Dixon and Travis." I whisper to him.

"Who are you in love with?" He asks as I sigh. "Dixon. It's always been Dixon." I whisper to him while wiping my tears away.

"And is Dixon good with Savannah?" He asks as I nod. "Amazing. Every night he makes sure I'm okay and Savannah is okay. He will change her diapers, feed her, clean her up, he'll wash her clothes, he holds her while she sleeps, and he plays with her on the floor. I really wish that maybe, in a different world, he would have been her father. Because he's done more than Travis has done for her." I tell him as I realize what I'm saying. I'm hopelessly in love with Dixon. I knew I was in love, but I had no idea I was this invested.

"Is Dixon faithful?" He asks again. "Yes, he didn't even date anyone while we were apart for years. And he moved to Atlanta to find me. I didn't end my marriage because of him, but I know in my heart that I still love him so much." I whisper wiping my tears.

"And how do you feel about Travis?" He asks. "I love him. He was my husband for years. I'll always love him, but I just don't feel anything with him. I wasn't happy with sex, I wasn't happy with marriage, it didn't work." I tell him honestly.

"I think you have your decision. If you're worried about Savannah, baby don't be. She's got a huge family willing to be there for her if Travis isn't. It's his problem if he can't man up and be a father, even if he thinks Savannah isn't his, but we both know she is because you aren't a whore Kinsley. If Dixon is willing, why stop the man you love from being the step-father for your child? Eliza did it with Lacey and I know Grant's happier now with that than he was with raising her alone. You need to trust him." He tells me as I nod. I know what I'm going to do.

"Thanks grandpa Tan. I love you." I tell him as he laughs.

"I love you to Kins, be smart baby and do what's best for you and Sav. I'll always be here for you." He tells me as I smile and wipe a tear.

"Oh wait, Tanner! Is that Kinsley?" I hear my grandmother as he sighs and says, "Call me later, she'll talk for an hour." And he hangs up making me laugh. She never sees any of us anymore, and she will talk for an hour asking about how our lives are, but I know she only does it because she loves us.

I walk to the bathroom and wipe my face before brushing my hair. Once I think that I look half okay, I open the bedroom door. I don't see Dixon, and I know he's in his office. I grab the engagement ring sitting on the side entryway table as I stare at it. I knew it was going to be something beautiful, and I love it. But I'm not ready to have it and I know Dixon's not ready to propose to me.

I find his office as I stand outside the door quietly. Once I hear the chair roll I know he's in there. So I make a brace decision and grab the doorknob and twist it open. I'm met by his body sitting in his desk chair watching the window as he is turned.

"Dixon listen to me. I'm in love with you and I love you. I love you so much. I'm just terrified of Savannah not having someone their for her because of my stupidity. I want her to have a family, have someone to love her, and I just realized what that is. It's you as her stepdad, I know you love her, and even if she's not yours I know you're willing to step up and be there for her. But this, this ring, it's way to soon. We need to work on us before this happens, and I really want this to happen after we're on the same page. I know I love you, and I know I'd love to wear this but not now. And not when you think it's about to help with the situation. I want you to get down on one knee and propose because you love me, not because of him." I blurt out holding the ring between my hands as I step forward and sit it on his desk. I don't talk to him as he stares at me. He looks at me before pushing back from the window and he opens his legs.

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