Chapter 79-Test

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Leona's POV
I stared at the stick, like the result would show up faster if I did, next to me, Freya was squeezing my hand. It couldn't have been more than a few weeks since I talked to Freya about kids and here we were, two weeks after our IUI appointment, praying it was positive.

Though I knew there was a big chance we would have to try more than once, I was still praying it would work the first time. Partly because of the money and partly because I really wanted to be pregnant and not have to wait any longer.

It hadn't even been a minute since I took it but I was willing it to work faster. Freya directed my gaze to hers, sensing my anxiety. She kissed me on the cheek and smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay if it doesn't work on the first time. It's normal."

I nodded. "I know, but one can hope."

"Trust me, I'm hoping too."

I'd done practically everything recommended to get pregnant there was to do, now it was just up to my body. I breathed deeply, not daring to look at the pregnancy test. I had wanted to take a test at home before going to the doctor, to have an idea of what to expect. It could set me up for more disappointment if it was a false positive for example but it could also prepare me for what the doctor would say. It also felt more personal to do at home.

It had soon been three minutes and I was shaking with anticipation. "God, I can't even check. Can you do it?"

She nodded, her eyes drifted to the test and I shut my eyes tightly, not daring to see her expression. To be honest, I was expecting a negative, even though I was praying for a positive.

"Two lines," she mumbled so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.

Two lines. It took me a few seconds to register what that meant and when it did I threw my arms around Freya, crying with joy. She rubbed my back, tears falling down her cheeks too.

"Holy shit, Freya. I'm pregnant, I'm actually pregnant. I can't believe it."

These tests were for the most part accurate so it was almost certain I was. I was happier than ever and I couldn't stop the tears, at this point I was wetting her t-shirt but I didn't care, and neither did she.

"We're going to be moms! She exclaimed.

"We're going to be moms," I repeated back.

Then I panicked, "oh my god. We're going to be moms," I cried. "I have something growing inside me."

"You make it sound disgusting," she laughed.

"It kind of is but that's not the point, we're going to be moms," I said for the third time. "Shit, we'll raise a kid. That's so insane to think about."

She agreed, wiping away tears. "It is."

Then I was scared again. "Oh fuck, what if I'm a terrible parent?"

After that, I cried and Freya watched me, blinking in confusion at my mood swings. I was in shock, but in a good way, so I couldn't help it.

"You'll be a great Mom, Leona. Trust me."

I beamed. "I'm pregnant!"

She half-sighed, half-laughed. "I've got a feeling this will be a very hormonal pregnancy."

"Fuck, I'm pregnant." Now I was freaking out again.

"Okay, Leona. Take a deep breath because you're switching between fear, panic, and excitement a lot right now and I can't keep up."

I did as instructed then pulled out my phone. Freya put a hand over mine, stopping me from what I was about to do. I looked up, furrowing my eyebrows.

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