Chapter V

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CHAPTER V: Party at Jordan's

"Dude, that was thirteen years ago!" Eric rolled his eyes at me with a joking smile. "I'm telling you, it was 2005!"

"How the hell is that possible! I can't believe it!" I hissed crossing my arms.

"Look it up, dumdum!" he chuckled and stiffened when an old man entered the establishment.

I took my phone out of my pocket and searched in Google when was the first Youtube video ever to be uploaded. Shockingly, the answer that came up in my browser was the same Eric had told me: April 23rd, 2005. How was that even possible! 

"How did you know?" I asked, not giving him the pleasure of saying 'you're right.'

"That video has like eighty million views on Youtube. It's so famous! It's called A day at the zoo or something like that. Search for it!" he answered hopping back on the counter once the old man had payed and disappeared.

"Hell, no. I'm not giving you that pleasure," I argued with mocking annoyance.

"You already are pleasant to talk to," he declared with a subtle smile. I instantly blushed, driving my eyes off his way.

"Shut up, dumbass," I responded, pretending to answer a text in my phone. I heard Eric chuckle and he jumped off the counter. 

"Except when you talk about all that mythology and Oedipus shit," he joked. I shot him a death stare and huffed.

"It's interesting! And show some respect to Oedipus."

Since the arcade night, I was sure I was kind of attracted to Eric. I mean, he was really handsome, kind and caring... And he also seemed to be quite flirtatious toward me most of the time. I was not sure if joking or not. Some days had passed and our relationship only grew stronger. We spent quite some time together, both at work and school. We started to hang out together more often since Amy and Stella seemed to really like him and he liked them back.

I wasn't clear on how much I felt attracted to him: did I want to kiss him? Hook up with him? None of the above? All of them? My mind used to literally black out whenever he was around and my feelings got mixed up all the time. He made me feel like that, like I didn't really know what I wanted.

"Noah?" Eric snapped, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"What?" I asked back, noticing an expecting glint in his eyes.

"Are you in or not?" he asked quizzingly. 

"O-on what?"

"You weren't listening to me, were you?" he said with a chuckle. I blushed and looked at the ground. "I asked if you wanted to watch a movie at mine."

"A movie?" I scowled.

"Yeah, dumdum. Mamma Mia! to be more specific," he said happily with a grin.

"Oh! You want me to watch your favorite movie with you?" I asked, feeling warmth in my chest.

"It's not my favorite movie, tho. But yes! I want you to watch it with me!"

"I... Sure! Yeah! When?" I asked with a shy smile.



I was really excited for that, to be honest. I knew he really enjoyed that movie and it was kind for him to invite me. It was special. Or at least that's what I thought. 

"Dude, you're so into him," Amy said, upside down, her head hanging from the edge of the bed the next day.

"I am not into him!" I snapped back sitting in the floor next to her, my cheeks most definetly turning red.

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