This Are Gonna Be Diffrent Now....

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-Chapter 8

"You are not going to go EVER again to Josh's house! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you have any idea how much you hurt him?!" They are arguing again, But honestly, I dont know why. I ran down the stairs, Keeping pace of my steps. "Hey, whats going on here?" I asked, half scared because I know what Lilly Is capable of doing. "She was really drunk and Josh caught her making out with Ben." "WAIT. BEN?! THE QUARTER BACK OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM OF Whalestreet?! HOW DARE YOU!" "I was drunk! I feel so bad. He's not answering my messages, But Ben is constantly texting me, reminding me of my mistake." "Lilly, you didnt tell her everything! Tell her what else you did with Ben." My heart was racing, my palms we're sweating, and I knew what was going to come out of her mouth. "" And she bursts into tears.She pulls me by the wrist, quite hard, and she pulled me all the way to her room, probably embarrassed crying infrount of her brother. As she calmed down, she got hiccups. "I..-hiccup-Lost -hiccup- my umm -hiccup- my virginity -hiccup- to Ben. How could she do such a thing, But no one knows Lilly more than I do, not even  Nathan, And he's her brother.  I know she feels bad for doing what she did. She seemed very paniced, she was walking across the room. back and forth, mumbling to herself. "What am I going to do? I cant date Ben and break up with Josh, I love Josh. We've been together for 3 years. I'm crazy, Im stupid I'm-" She couldn't finish off her sentence, because then I see Josh entering the room, shaking a bit. To break the intense silence, I say, rather stupidly "H-hey." "Paige, can I talk to you?" "Sure Josh. Lets go in the living room." And he nodded. I looked back to Lilly as I stood in the doorway, and winked. Then she smiled. As we made our way down the corridor, we enterded the rather big and spacious living room, Josh sits on the green lime couch, and I sit on the comfy chair. "Listen, I know Lilly has done wrong bu-" "I want to marry her, Paige." I almost fainted. I started crying really slowly, then I hugged him. "Well at least someones happy." I laughed and sniffed the tears away. "Im so happy for you." "Thanks. Can you get her to go in Nathan's room? The surprise is there." "Sure, anything for my brother-in-law." And he ran off upstairs, dissapearing by the second. As I explained, lying through my teeth, to Lilly how I want to prank Nathan that he lost his award. She got up and ran to his room.  I was a few steps back, but by the time she got to the doorway, I was behind her. Josh approached from the bathroom, and he kissed her. "I thought you didnt love me, Joshey." "I'll always love you. Look at the bed hun." On the bed, there were petals saying ' Will you marry me?' In a heart made by petals. When she turned her head back to him, she was already crying, and she saw him n his knee, with a quiet expencive looking ring in a golden treasure chest box. As she tried to speak, she hugged Josh whispering "Yes." And they akwardly made out infrount of me.

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