Chapter four

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Kamie POV

One day later

It had been a full day and I was still in this room. Don't get me wrong it's gorgeous and it has a bathroom, kitchen and what looks to be a studio but I was getting bored without my camera. I assumed they were going to kill me soon because that's what the man said they were going to do. I just don't know why there were dragging it out so long. The door creaked open and I slowly back into a wall when I saw the blonde man that was sitting on the throne. I shake as he walks closer and places his hand on my shoulders and smiled, it was unnerving. "Hello love." I whip my head towards him confused. I look at the door and see the other two men walking in. The blonde man leads me back to my bed and sits me down and goes to stand next to the other two men. The man with black hair and a small beard looks at me kindly and the man with deep brown curls looked at me like I was the only person in his world.

"I beileve you wish to have an explanation." The man with black hair looked at me and I slowly nodded. "My name is Aro, This is my brother Caius and this is my brother Marcus." I nod again. "You are our mate."

"I'm your WHAT?!"

"Mate." He walks towards me and I start hyperventalting again. The man named Marcus grabbed Aro's shoulder and pulled him back and he slowly walked towards me and grabbed a weighted blanket from god knows where. He gently placed the blanket on my shoulders as I try not to hit myself in the head as I shake and breathe heavily. He sat closer to me and I inhaled his scent getting shockingly calmer. He smelt like pine, old books and musk. It was a weird combination that I loved. I stop shaking and lean into him closing my eyes exhasted from the energy I just used. I felt Marcus run his hands up and down my hair and it lulls me to sleep.

Marcus Volturi POV

"Aro, you can't just do that." I growled at him. He looked at me confused.

"I was just telling her what she was to us." Caius looked at Aro and gave him a jugdmental stare.

"You could have been more subtle brother." Aro scoffed.

"Then why didn't either of you two do it?!"

"Because we love to see you suffer." I laugh as Aro pouts like a child. Kamie rubs her eyes and sat up to stare right at Aro.


"I am not a conne!"

"You kind of are brother." Aro looked at Caius offended and then at me in which I nod.

"I hate you both."

"I'll remember that when you tell us how much you love us because you want something." Kamie looked up at us. 

"Could you leave so I can sleep?" I place my lips on her forehead trying to be as slow in this process as possible because she was fragile and confused by it all. We walked out and sat outside of her door until we heard her heart rate slow down so they knew she was asleep.

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