Chapter nighteen

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I rocked the girls and Scuplica and Athenadora help me up and get down from the tower. I see many guards turn to look at me. Athenadora got me on the bed and let the doctor look over me before checking over the babies. "So Caius and Marcus got kids but Aro didn't, he's gonna be jealous." I look at Scuplica.

"They're his kids too he can fucking deal." Athenadora laughed.

"That he can, those kids destroyed your vagina."

"Like I didn't know that." I huff as Dr.Devilan brings the twins back.

"Perfectly healthy."

"Thank you." He nods before taking off his gloves. I look at Scuplica who was staring at the babies. "Do you want to hold them or are you just gonna stare?" Her face lights up as she takes the babies.

"I get to brag that I held the babies before Aro and Caius, in their fucking faces."

"Lovely to know that's what you think of us." The kings were standing in the hospital wing and Athenadora and Scuplica hissed and Caius and Aro before handing me the babies.

"If they attempt some dumb fuckery come get us and we'll sort their asses out." I smile and wave as they leave. I look at Caius angry.

"Come to put me in the fucking tower again?"

"My love.."

"Shut it! I know you had a big trial, immortal child shit I DONT CARE!" I yelled at him and his face falls. "You had NO RIGHT to lock me in that tower, for FIVE DAYS!" I was on the verge of tears yelling at him. "You are supposed to LOVE ME, not fucking lock me away like you locked them away for FUCKING MILLENNIAS!" I feel Liza start moving so I rock her. "You had no right, but I'm not as mad at you as I am Aro." Aros face looked crest fallen. "You know my past, you've seen it and you STILL LET HIM LOCK ME IN THAT TOWER WHEN YOU KNEW DAMN WELL THAT I CANT HANDLE BEING CONFINED TO A ROOM! YOU SAW WHAT MY AUNT DID AND YOU STILL LET HIM!" I feel a tear fall, I rock the twins before putting them in the bassinets. I use the bed to stand up and push the babies bassinets. "I'm going to my room."

"My love.."

"Mi Amour."

"I still stick to what I said you still have three and a half more months. I'll get over this in a few weeks but give some time." I walk down the hall and into my room to see the twins. "Hello dears."

"Mother have you no need for us anymore?" Jane asked me. I stop shocked by the question.

"Why would you ask that?"

"You have them. You have replaced us, correct?" Jane asked and Alec nodded hugging his sister.

"No of course not, you are their big brother and sister you can help raise them, I would never replace you dears. Would you like to hold them?" They nodded and I smiled before picking up the white haired baby and placing her into Alecs arms and placing the black haired baby into Janes arms. Liza blinked and opened her huge red eyes and yawned before stretching her little arm out and fondling Alec's necklace. Eleanor opened her eyes and pulled on Janes hair.

This is what I need, my family.

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