Chapter Seventeen

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After I started drinking blood the baby stopped growing so fast and I looked healthy again. I was about five months but I looked around six. I had taken up knitting because I was going to lose my mind to boredom. I was getting frustrated at the ball of yarn because it kept tangling. I hugged and threw it across the room. Marcus walked in with a piece of cake and looked at the yarn. "Having trouble dear?"

"Yes!" I grumble.

"How about we watch a movie instead."

"Fine." He sat down and put on Narnia. I hum as I eat my cake, Marcus looked enthralled with the movie. I giggle seeing as he gasped watching Lucy walk into Narnia. Caius and Aro walk in pouting so I roll my eyes and lay the bed. They jump in and watch the movie with us. I finished my cake and put it on the stand. "Caius could you get me a cup of blood please?" He nodded and used his vampire speed to do it. I take the cup from his pale hands and drink it. We watch the movie and when it was only minutes away from ending someone knocked in my door. Marcus opened it.

"The kings are needed in the throne room as there is a urgent matter they need to attend to." I pout as they all stand up.

"We'll be back I promise." I nod sadly as they walk out and close the door. I yawn and curl into my bed. They didn't come back for hours.

When my door opened I sprung up only to see Demitri and I pouted, "the masters are extremely busy my queen Master Marcus told me to bring the rest of the cake." I watch as he sets the cake down.

"Thank you Demitri.." I sigh.

"They'll come back later I promise, my queen."

"Goodbye Demitri."

"Goodbye my queen." I sigh standing up and leaving my room knowing people were following me like usual. I make my way to the huge garden and walk to the flowers. I walk to the greenhouse and grab a basket and started to pick roses, daisys, chrysanthemums and Lily's. I hum skipping back into the castle and make my way to the kings study. I open the door and smiled at them.

"Hello my loves." I walk toward them and started to open the basket and try to braid Aros hair.

"Not now Kamie! We don't have time to be your stupid entertainment!" He yelled at me, I frown and close the basket. I sniffle and walk back towards the door. "Kamie..." I ignore him and walk out of the study and down the halls. I sit and begin making flower crowns. I was going to braid the flowers in to their hair but they obviously didn't want me around at the moment. So after I finish them I smiled looking at the four flower crowns I made. I skip to the training room. Jane and Alec were sparring until I walked in because the kings made a stupid rule that said the guards couldn't train if I was in the room. They walk over smiling.

"Hello mother, how are you!"

"I'm lovely, I made these." I hold out two of the flower crowns and they took them with a smile and put them on their heads. "Any idea where Athenadora and Scuplica are?"

"Thank you mother and they are down the hall." Jane smiled. I hugged them.

"I love you dears."

"We love you too mother." They say simultaneously. I smile before skipping down the hallway to find Athenadora and Scuplica.

"Kamie!" Scuplica called out so I turn and see her attempting to braid Athenadoras hair. I walk ove happy to see them.

"I made these." I hold them out and they take them smiling.

"They look wonderful but mind telling me why you look sad?"

"I wanted to hang out with the kings but Aro got mad and yelled at me."

"He sucks ass at being emotionally available huh?"

"Yes he does."

"Caius is just an ass."


"Marcus is a sweet man."

"Yes he is."

"If they do it again I'll burn them." Athenadora smiled at me.

"Thank you Dora! I'm going to go nap my feet hurt."

"Alright dear be safe."

"Always am."

"But your pregnant."

"Dora shut it." They literally make life her so much better. Little did I know I wouldn't take to the kings much at all for a while.

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