Chapter thirteen

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I was sitting in my room playing checkers with Jane and Alec. "Mother, he cheated!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did."

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too."

"Jane. Alec." I give them a stern look. They pout before crawling on to the bed and lying on my lap. "Let's watch Supernatural."

"Yea!" They both cheered as I put the show on my Tv and let them watch it. I roll my tongue and scrunch my face up, my mouth tasted horrid and I had no clue what I was. I shrugged and watched as Dean got kidnapped. I started to braid Janes hair until my mates threw open my door. Jane and Alec get off the bed and bow. "Masters." They speed out leaving me staring at them.


"We will have guests here for a few weeks."

"Okay?" I look at them weird, "why does it matter?"

"Because they're a largish group. The Cullens will be staying here for a little while."

"The Cullens? The Veggie Vamps?"

"Indeed, so please if you need anything ask one of the guards."

"Okay, I love you." Marcus kissed my head Caius kissed my cheek and Aro kissed my hand.

"I love you dear."

"I love you love."

"I love you Mi amour." I smile and watch them walk away. I sigh before putting Coraline on. I got bored quickly and decided to end some sims.

"Which sims game?..." My stomach growled loudly so I stood up and opened my door looking for any of my guards. I shrug and pull on a fancy dress because you gotta be presentable when guests are around. I skip down the hall humming a song. I reach the kitchens and look at the cooks. "Good afternoon!"

"Hello my queen, what do you need?"

"I'm going to pack two picnic baskets with food and put them in my fridge. We have guests and the kings are wary."

"Well if you need us to make anything that's not in there just ask."

"Now that you mention it I ate the last of the meatballs could you make some more please?"

"Of course." I smiled and because putting food in the baskets. I grabbed a few drinks and then grabbed an ice cream cake. "Her you go miss."

"Thank you!" I smile and bow my head before skipping from the kitchens. I hum until I realize I went the wrong way from my room. "Oopsie." I shrug and smile until I turn around and I'm face to face with seven vampires and one human. "Hi!"

"Who are you and why are you near our rooms?" The blonde woman growled at me. The older blonde man put a hand on The woman's shoulder.

"That's enough Rose, what's your name?"

"Oh I'm K-."

"My queen!" I turn around to see Demitri and Felix. "There you are, you weren't supposed to leave your room."

"I was hungry and none of you were there, I don't really see the problem Demitri." Felix sighed before glaring at the Cullens.

"Your the kings mate anything happens to you this castle is going to crumble." I giggle and turn back to the Cullens who all had shocked expressions.

"It was lovely to meet you! Oh and congratulations." I smile and point at the humans finger that had an engagement ring on it. Felix took my baskets and Demitri picked me up. "I am perfectly capable of walki-." He used his vampire speed to bring me to my room. I run to my bathroom and throw up profusely.


"Food." Barf. "Fridge." Barf. "Before goes bad." I go back to puking and hear them put the food away. I stand up and us some mouth wash. I spit it out and walk out to see Felix and Demitri. "Thank you."

"Of course. Good day mi lady." Demitri dramatically bows and Felix hits his head. I smile and watch them. I grab my spaghetti from the fridge and eat it well watching Scooby and Shaggy fall down a hill. Jane came in and laid down on my bed.

"Hi mom."

"Hi dear." I love it here. For now.

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