Chapter eighteen

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Four months later

I hadn't spoken more than two sentences to the kings in four months, I was ready to pop and they weren't talking to me. I rubbed my bump and drank some soda. My door opened and my head shot up to see the kings. I jump up and smile at them. Caius throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the tower. "Why?!" I asked as they threw me into the tower. Aro had no emotion on his face, Caius had anger and Marcus was covered sorrow.

"We are going to a trial and you are to stay here in the tower by yourself." I look at Caius with anger.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled as the closed the door and locked it. I cry and sit on one of the beds in the tower. I knew this is were Athenadora and Scuplica spent over a millennia. I cry my self to sleep that night.

The next morning I wake up and stare at the wal sad. There was nothing up here nothing at all. Beds, Blankets, towels and books along with a bathroom. That's it. I stay on the bed rereading this one book. Around three in the afternoon I feel sharp pains in my abdomen. I ignore them and go to sleep like normal, they're just Braxton Hicks. I wake up with sharp pains still bothering me. I get out of bed only to have a gush of water fall down my legs. I hiss as the pains happen more and more often. I felt pain attach my stomach. I grab the blankets and towels closest to me and get to the bathroom. I lay down a towel in the bathtub and put the blankets next to me. I sit down and scream at the pain.

Great I was gonna do this alone. I take off my pants and underwear I feel a burning pain down there and I cry out as I push and push. My watch says it's 2:15am which means I've been in labor for twenty hours. I feel extreme pain and I push again finally hearing a cry. I cut the umbilical cord and the baby cried more. I grab one of the blankets before wrapping her in it. I cry again as I felt more pain. I push and push and another baby comes out. I cut the umbilical cord and hold the baby before wrapping her in it. I know I have to push out the placenta but I'd rather fucking die. I delivered the placenta after and I lay on the towel in pain knowing I would not be able to stand up if I tried.

Hours later I heard the door open, I was feeding Eleanor.She had white tuffs of hair with tan skin and blue eyes. Liza was sleeping, she had tuffs of black hair and red eyes. I see Scuplica come in
Frantic from the smell of blood. She comes here and looks at the babies, her face softens. "What's their names?"

"Eleanor Casey Volturi and Liza Marqkel Volturi."

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