𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟲

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Most of the dream he had from his nap dissolved into nothing the moment he tried to remember it all again. He put down his pen and closed his journal with a long sigh. He was grateful he thought of bringing his journal everywhere and prayed he got all the details of his short dream written down. But yet, he could still feel the warmth lingering on his body, igniting the longing feeling in his heart for the missing piece in his life. Nevertheless, Seonghwa shrugged it off. He still had another thing to worry about, a stranger who just appeared in his life claiming to know him. 

"You're finally awake, hyung." San greeted him after he entered the counter. "Had a good nap?"

Seonghwa yawned shortly and nodded a yes. He told San about the strange short dream he had about the faceless stranger then, just fragments of it. And San just said after seeing his stressed face, "I'd really help you with this if I'm just smart enough like Hongjoong hyung."

Seonghwa had always wanted to ask the music producer but the short guy is always either locked in his room or going outside for 'inspirations'. It always felt like he's living alone in that house, though he's not complaining if Hongjoong's do it because it's what he loves. But it's going too far now. "He's always busy, Sannie. I don't want to burden him with my problems and this is complicated. It's like I have no other way to solve all... this. And God, now I have that boy from yesterday to think about." He groaned with his hands on his face to muffle them.

"Ah, that boy. Yeah, that's very rare to happen to anyone. Are you sure you don't know him?" San leaned on the counter sideways to face the taller. He received a sigh from him and a shake of the head. Then, they both jumped slightly when the door swung open, ringing the bell above it. Two customers came in and San's eyes lit up with a loud gasp at one of them.

He quickly turned to Seonghwa and asked, "Hyung, does my hair look okay?"

Seonghwa stared at him, utterly confused. "Hurry up!" The other yelled in a whisper. "It looks just fine, Sannie." He answered and turned to face the two customers that just came in, a tall one with a shorter one, wait, isn't that the boy from yester—

Suddenly he felt someone shoving him to the side, it was San, he glared silently at him from behind. San proceeded to assist the two with a huge smile while Seonghwa's eyes met the boy's gaze who instantly looked away shyly, a light pink shade on his cheeks.

And he did not just think it looked cute even, just a little.

"Wooyoung, what do you want?" The tall one asked the boy. It took a few seconds for him to answer.

Seonghwa decided to look at the boy named Wooyoung from afar. Blond hair, gold earrings on both of his ears, and gold rings on his left-hand fingers. One of the rings caught his attention for some reason. And when he noticed he was holding his umbrella that he lent him yesterday, his mind finally registered to San calling out his name.


San had already given the two their orders Wooyoung was looking at him before saying, "Can we talk, please?" His eyes look expectant.

He looked rather handsome up close, Seonghwa noticed. His skin was honey golden, there was a mole on his lip, and his eyes were very pretty to him. Seonghwa moved his gaze away to avoid himself from admiring those orbs any further, who is he to do so? He sat with the boy across the small round table who kept on fiddling with his rings on his fingers nervously and his eyes cast on the wooden pattern on the table. The one ring that attracted Seonghwa earlier had a purple butterfly with tiny glitters on it.

He waited patiently while admiring the rings. It's beautiful, he was wondering where he got them, especially the butterfly one. Wooyoung, who was taking his time to address their situation, noticed what the older is doing and finally looked up at him. "I like your butterfly ring. It's very beautiful." Seonghwa said just to clear the awkwardness around them.

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