Saturday morning/afternoon

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Dan woke up at 6 with a bad headache and feeling really dizzy. He laid there not moving for about an hour. He heard Phil get up and go into the living room. Dan deiced it was time to attempt to get up and out of bed. He sat up first and he felt like he was going to throw up, he then climbed out of bed and stood up straight. He instantly fell back down onto the bed. He thought about calling Phil and telling him they couldn't go tonight but Dan had been looking forward to it since he booked it on Tuesday night. He tried again and stayed standing this time. He went to leave his room but he stumbled into the wall making a loud thump.

Phil got up at 7 and went to the living room to see if Dan was awake. probably not he always sleeps till about 8 or 9. He sat down on the sofa and turned on his mac book. He sat there for about half an hour waitng when he heard a thump coming from Dans room. Phil got up and went to see what was happening in Dans room.

"Dan you alright?"

"Yeah i'm fine just tripped and landed against the wall."

Phil went into Dans room and saw Dan leaning against the wall, pale as a ghost.

"Dan your'e not OK. First your as pale as a ghost and secondly you tripped over nothing."

"I'm OK really. Just a headache" Dan stood up and went to leave the room again but Phil stopped him and put his hand against his head.

"Bed now. You are burning up."

"What? no, you are not my mother."

"No, but i'm your best friend who is helping you." Phil turned Dan around and walked him to the bed

"What about later?"

"If your feeling better we can still go."

Dan got back in bed and Phil went to get some medicine to give to Dan.

Later that day at about 12 Dan started to get better. He no longer had a headache and he was not feeling as dizzy as before. His colour had come back and he was now sitting in the living room and feeling happy.

"How you feeling?" Phil asked as he did every hour

"Much better then this morning. I feel well enough to go bowling tonight."

"Thats good to hear. Well i'm off to the shops need anything?"


"I should of known. I'll be as quick as I can."

Once Phil had left Dan was alone. It was quiet. Dan got up and went to his room and grabbed his camera and took it into the office.

"Might as well"

He had been editing for half an hour when he heard the door open and close. Phil was home

"Dan where are you? I got you food."

"I'm editing a video in the office. What food did you get me?"

"maltesers" Phil walked into the room and gave Dan a plastic bag full of bags of maltesers.

"Five bags? you do know it's only me eating them."

"Yep but I know you love them so I got you lots and lots. What you editing?"

"A new video for my channel. Nothing major."

"I should make one soon"

"How long has it been?"

"Three weeks"

"Yep you should make one all of your fans are probaly crying wondering where your video is."

"Yeah but you can go a month with no video."

"My fans know that I don't upload often.You are always uploading so when you don't upload in a long time they go nutty and think your dead."

"Wow. Well have fun editing." And Phil left leaving Dan once again alone.

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