
67 3 0

"You alright Phil?" Dan asked

"Me. Oh yeah I'm fine just happy and exited."

"Me too, the last time I went bowling was when I was eighteen with my family for a birthday. Can't remember whose though."

"The last time I went was.." Tell him the Truth "When I was six."

"Six? That was a long time ago."

"Yep. My parents never let me go when my friends asked me to go with them."

Just before Dan replied they were told that the lane was ready for them. They found their lane and sat down for a second. Two girls came up to them,

"You're Dan and Phil right."

"That's us."



They got pictures and spoke for a little while. Then the girls left and Dan and Phil were alone again.

"I'm first." Dan said getting up.

He chose his ball and lined it up. The bowled it and it hit all of them.

"Strike!" Dan said dancing back to Phil.

"Your turn." He said to Phil

"Hey Dan could you get me another drink please?"

"OK" He went off.

Phil quickly got a ball and threw it done the lane. It only hit two pins. He repeated it again and got five.

"Shame. It takes practice don't worry you will get a strike before we leave."

Phil turned around to see Dan standing there with two drinks.

"Missed your turn but I came back in time to see your ball it the last five pins."

"I'm not good at bowling. Never have been."

"Is that why you didn't want to come?"

"A little bit yeah."

"It's fine. I'll help you."


Dan got seven then two. Then it was Phils turn again.

"Right pick up the ball." Phil picked it up

"Put your fingers in the holes" Phil did that while Dan laughed about what he had just said.

"Walk" Phil did it.

Dan hesitated then went behind Phil (he was very close) and told him how to do it. Phil threw the ball and got a strike. He turned around and gave Dan a friendly hug thanking him.

"That's what friends are for Phil."

"I wish I had a friend like you Dan." A voice said from behind.

They turned around and see a little boy standing there.

"Hello, I'm David and I am a big fan of you both. I don't have many friends. I would love a friend like you though." He said

"Well let me tell you something. I did not have a best friend for eighteen years. I meet Phil when I was nineteen."



"DAVID" A woman called

"I have to go my mum wants me"

"Bye David" Phil said.

They carried on playing and Phil was getting better. Dan was still helping him but he did not complain, he liked Dan being this close to him. Dan got high numbers every time. Phil got some high ones and some low ones he also had two strikes. After two hours of playing they were tried and deiced to go home.

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