-Everybody Has a History-

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3rd Person POV:

Everybody has a history. What you do with it is up to you. Some repeat it. Some learn from it. The really special ones use it to help others. - John Mark Green                                                                                                          That much is clear. But the real question is-- How do you decide what to do with that history? Well, for some people, they let the world guide them. Show them exactly the answer they're looking for. Others might choose to pick one and aim all of their focus onto it until it eventually goes their way. But for one specific person.. it's far more complicated than that.

One Year Ago

"I have been in here for my entire life, do you understand that?!" The boy's heart felt as though it were exploding as the words came out of his mouth, tears desperately pushing towards the surface. "I've done everything you asked! Every chore, every treatment, I- I mean, I-" Words couldn't possibly describe the emotions he were feeling in that moment. The person he was talking to happened to be the 'big boss' in his case, which basically means that his tone wasn't going to be greatly appreciated. This 'big boss' figure stayed silent, internally nudging the boy to continue on his emotional yet well-needed rant. "I was supposed to be a normal kid. All my parents wanted.." His tone got quieter, more calmer with every word that was delivered. "All they truly wanted was to give their son a purpose in life, and this.. this just wasn't it. They didn't want this for me." "You're right." The boss's voice sent chills through his body. He knew that this had to have been a joke. A mean one, one that would end with him being locked up in a cell with no entertainment, or windows, or even plain light. That was their version of punishment once the other methods stopped working, and he hated it. More than anything. Even though his whole angry-sob speech was focused towards what his parents wanted, it was more so about what he wanted, too. "I- I am?" He anxiously questioned after a pause. "Yes. You are. Your purpose in life was never to live somewhere like this for the full length of your life. Sure, it was partially about the medications, the care, and most certainly the superpowers you've gained, but.. no, it was never their main goal." Just as the talk seemed over, more words piled out of the boss's mouth, and that wasn't a problem for the boy. It gave him more time to contemplate the deeper meaning behind everything, as he always loved to do; find answers. "You were kept in the dark from something. A big thing, but as you have clearly stated, today is the day that changes. There was an additional piece of the note your parents left when we found you. Would you like to read it?" Due to the stone-cold voice tone that was always present in the boss, nobody could ever really tell if he was telling the truth or being sarcastic. In this situation, it was even worse. He, as in our certainly complex boy, had always dreamed of this day. Being able to know every single possible detail about his parents. Their names, birth dates, birthstones, he aspired to know it all. And he did find out the simple facts through what the world calls The Internet- like their ages, previous workspaces, and even their hobbies (like his mother's tendency to go to Buffalo Wild Wings every other Friday night.) Now though, he could figure out the biggest thing possible: the last thing they wanted him to know about. So, of course, he couldn't just not take the opportunity. But when his mouth opened, nothing came out. Luckily, his expression told everything his mind was thinking. Please, please, let me see that note! As quickly as you can! "Training room, station 12, you'll find it in there." And just like that, he was gone.

His eyes drifted over the note once more, stopping at the part he needed his attention on.

Your true purpose in life, gifted to you by God, is to use your strengths and chasten those who deserve it to make the world a better place for the ones who deserve that.

Deep down, he knew something was up with it. So he used his powers, the ones that have never failed him ever since they were given to him, and that was at birth. Well, in more detail, the story went like this: A boy was left, symbolically on a doorstep, because his parents knew that he wasn't supposed to have them as his guardians- or really anyone for that matter. His true guardian was God, or so he was raised to believe. That God gave him the ability at birth to do things that no human being could do. He was born a mutant. And every mutant has the power to do something enhanced that they were created to do. Some are given powers that have to do with healing so in a time of need, they could save somebody. Some have powers that have to do with hurting so they can defend people in need. And others had special, specific purposes, just like our guy here does. According to his parents, it was to "chasten" people who deserve it. Chasten was a word he had only heard once in his life-- when being given a strong lecture after a prayer that he so badly ruined as a young child. So his final purpose was to punish. That's the answer he's been waiting for. But then why did it feel so off in his mind? 

Maybe it's because the note is forged. Faked with the exact handwriting so that he'd fall for a trick and just work for them. That would be the best way to get him to do what they say, anyway. But the always-working powers scanned over it and found nothing sketchy. Plus, the original note he was given did have a tear in it. Who knows? These people, more specifically the boss, could be telling the truth. His purpose was written out on paper. All he really had to do was read it, and the rest of his future would be altered forever. Altered for good, because now he knew why he was even put on the Earth in the first place. And that was great for him.

A story about self-discovery. Very common for anybody with a backstory, a background, a past. And although he wasn't born yesterday, his story was just beginning. This moment marked the rest of his life. His free, purposeful life.

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