-You and Me-

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QUICK A/N: now u get to finally see what's happening with dani! p.s. i tried a new pov that i haven't done before, so lmk what you guys think of it! pls enjoy, and as always, stay awesome my angels <3

3rd Person POV:

Leon and Dani are practically trapped in a car together. Neither of them seem to have a choice. Well, that's not just the truth. As far as Dani knows, Leon could easily pull over. And as far as Leon knows, Dani could also easily jump out, break a window, scream, or even take control of the wheel. But both of them don't. Instead, they sit in silence, staring out at the front of the road, the car moving at a slow and steady pace. There's no real scenery-- just a few bright green trees here and there and maybe a flower or two, but it's nearing summertime in Massachusetts, so most people are indoors. Plus, the route could be considered deserted to mostly anyone that isn't a local. The only actual sounds were the car's AC and a few noises from the wind as it blew peacefully. Finally, Dani let go of her constant urge to speak that she'd been holding back. "Because I’m with you now, can you tell me why I had to come with?" She was still reflecting on everything. How she just left Rahne all alone with that look on her face that nobody could possibly put into words-- the look of intense fear, sadness, loss, anger, and even more unspeakable emotions. How she felt an outstanding amount of pain less than half an hour ago, but it's now all gone. How Leon obviously withholds a different power than any person could possibly imagine at first glance, or even with the long conversation they previously held. And Dani had so many questions.

Leon's POV:

How do I begin to explain this, my mind said aloud as it usually did. With powers like mine, I had to get used to reading and basically hearing my own thoughts 24/7, which made me smarter and even better in some ways. I focused my eyes on the road and spoke, my voice being the partially raspy way it was whenever I wasn't completely engaged in what I was saying.

"Your powers, they’re.." How to word it.. "threatening to some. Just like with every other person like us." I can imagine the girl next to me decoding those words, almost to the point where I can hear it. 'Person like us.' She must like all of the challenges I throw her way. Then again, her face says the opposite, with it staying in one spot like she's too afraid to look my way. And that's when I realize that I moved away, and now I looked at her; that's a weakness. I became more determined to keep my eyes straight ahead at the completely empty path, and spoke a bit more, adding a pause. "I started.. helping people, and you’re next on my list." Noticing her eyes starting to lose their focus, I could tell she was bothered. Obviously. So, I attempted to make it better, the best way that I could. "And I apologize for what happened back there. You were going against the plan." She gave a small nod, and just by glancing, it was easy to tell that she wasn't going to let that be the topic for the rest of the car ride. Instead, I could see her thinking back to exactly what she could drag out and into the forefront of the conversation without it being too off-topic. Smart thinking. She’s wise.. like me.

Dani's POV:

As I tried to focus on the outside of the window, one thing became sure-- this little fake persona that I'm creating has to drop eventually. So, I let it go immediately and turned to Leon, almost furious but still containing most of myself. "I haven’t used my powers in months. Why’d you come at the time when I was acting the most 'normal'? I mean, excluding what happened at the warehouse." He stayed silent for a second, I'm guessing to think of a response, so I took the time to reflect on myself and my choices. Yes, I most definitely regret everything from the last 24 hours. But I chose to stay more within the last few minutes, reflecting back on just what I should do if I want to keep myself safe but with a higher end and privileges, too. "I have a way of coming before the 'threat' can actually happen," he started, making me look his way. With the light shining through the windows, his eyes were a mysterious shade of grey, and his piercings were now more obvious to me. There were two, one above and one underneath his right eyebrow. He carried a still face, but his brow was still lifted upwards nicely, and it had a small slit in it, as well. His outfit was a plain green tee except with a turtleneck, a black jacket placed on top, and a silver chain that was just barely lighter than his eyes. His hair, due to the wind from outside, was messy but close to a solid black shade and had wavy curls close to his face. I watched closely as he continued to speak, answering the questions I desperately asked before.

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