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WARNING: This chapter heavily implies religion/religious beliefs. I am extremely sorry if I portrayed it "incorrectly", I was trying my best from my own personal knowledge of religion in general and Rahne's religion that is portrayed in the film. Please keep those things in mind.

3rd Person POV:

Dani closed her eyes and honed in on her powers. She let her fists ball up as she used her powers intentionally for the first time. When she re-opened her eyes, thinking that nothing had happened, she saw the most unexpected thing-- a giant man-like figure that was pretty much see-through. It was hovering above them, making Dani stand back and look over at Leon. When she did, all she saw was his still face; as though nothing were happened right in that moment. The time stretched as the silence grew, until it's low booming voice finally filled the warehouse. "Fulfill your purpose before your time is up," it yelled, staring directly down at the guy standing with his own fists clenched now, but in a way so that he could keep extending the hands periodically to.. distract himself from the figure in front of him. No words were said, and the 'thing' decided to turn and walk right out, through the warehouse walls since it wouldn't have fit through any doorways. Dani watched and then turned right back towards Leon, shocked and stunned as any regular person would be if that thing appeared in front of them. Her words couldn't be found, as she didn't know whether she even should speak or not. And while they were both dumbfounded, they weren't the only ones feeling that way.

"Who wants to go in there first?" Roberto asked, whispering behind the boxes and starting to move his body so that he could face the others. "Because, I don't feel like it should be me." Sam, already looking over, whispered, "Why not? You're the buff man of this group," As he moved closer to hear the whispering, Roberto glanced down at his own arm and back at Sam. "No offense, Illyana, you scare me too." Now with her attention caught, she gave Sam a deadly look for a few seconds and then focused back on the puppet in her hand. "Why does it matter who goes in there first?" Rahne continued with her voice close to cracking, "Let's just.. stay out here until it is 100% clear that Dani needs us." "That's fine with me," Roberto said with a small smile. Deep down, he could tell that she was scared of the large thing that they saw, and that was the only reason she'd hesitate when it came to saving Dani. "We don't want to risk anything," he added reassuringly and moved back to his original spot to look at Leon and their own friend still silent. Once they all realized that this wouldn't end, Sam stated, "I think we should go in now." In agreement, everybody got up from behind the boxes without making a sound and started walking in.

Rahne's POV:

Afraid of whatever I saw, I just followed the group from a few steps behind and looked down at the ground. I know Roberto heard my tone that I tried desperately to hide, and I also know that he'd end up telling somebody or dragging more attention to it sooner or later. But what's more important than my feelings is the reason why I am feeling it. What was that? Because to me, it looked like a different way they described God. And if it is, then he's afraid of God. That's not usual. Or he's afraid of sinning, which is usual. I don't like it either way. No matter what, there is a God running around that seemed far from the God that I have grown up with. Mine is good, helpful, useful, and powerful. That other one could be the exsct opposite, or just worse in general, and there'd be nothing we could really do to get rid of it. That's my worry.

3rd Person POV:

"That might've looked like something bad happened, but it didn’t," Dani said while watching her friends get closer. "Uh, if a god running around the streets of Boston is not bad, I don't know what your definition of 'bad' is." Roberto took a quick look at Rahne who was just now stopping beside the rest of them, and knew that he probably shouldn't have said that. Good job, him. A bit of awkwardness between the group and the 'outsider' happened. Since Sam didn't like the vibe but also didn't want to be the one making a conversation continue, he spoke nervously. "Uh, who is this person?" And now was time for all of their ears to listen carefully and for their mouths to stop moving, because they would only have one shot at asking questions before something bad happened. It was just their luck. As Leon started, the wind coming through different areas of the place immediately came to a halt, like it even wanted to listen.

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