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"Keegan Valariena, you are released on bail." He stands up immediately, I can see the surprise in his eyes. He takes one step forward but stops and looks at me. I sit down on my chair, grabbing the bowl and start to eat it again. Just leave, get out of this hellhole.

He comes over to me, putting his hand on my bicep and leans down to my ear. "I'll get you out." Shivers travel down my spine at those two words, and I almost choke on my food. He licks his lips and turns around and faces the wardens. He wouldn't be able to afford my bail, no one can. He gives me one final look as the wardens signal to close the cell door. And then he's gone.

"Pretty boy is gone, eh?" I jump when I see Sev sticking his arms out of his prison cell, right across from me. I set down the bowl and nod my head, wiping a couple crumbs off with my napkin. "I bet you'll miss that good lay, considering that I had to watch you guys every night for the past 5 months." I can't help but let out a loud laugh, fuck we did have a lot of sex. "And the arguments and the kisses. Man, I'm going to miss all that gushy shit. I've been here for years along with you and never seen you have such a fun time in here - is he coming to see you?" I lick my lips and look at the bunk where he slept. Probably not, he has a life outside of this prison.

"Probably not - but that doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you Sev." He cuts me off by letting out the most loudest laugh, to the point where his head turns red and he is slapping the bars and his legs.

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