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City lights intrigued him, the way they shone brightly enough to turn the new moon dusk into a heavenly sight. Layers of fog blinding his slightest vision, beckoning him to look a little more carefully than anyone would, calm himself a little more euphorically before his daily stress would occupy his gut again.

He closed his eyes, pulling off a weary sigh from himself just to come face to a puff of his breath. Coffee had been his cure for the past few nights, a greater intake of it than needed, because of work, but it helped him. Helped him enough to sober up and focus on his job. And right now, he'd say, he was so muddled up in his head, that he hadn't counted the number of times he had downed a cup of coffee.

As a person in law, he believed that working true was most important, but when he had learnt to believe that no one informed him that he'd be pushing himself off more than he could imagine. Just enough to find the truth, he vaguely chuckled. How could he be sure that that was the truth? It never happened with him, or in front of his eyes.

Everyone hid a lie in their own truth, and everybody wanted to overcome that. Lawyers being the people who'd coat that unknown lie with several happy layers of the 'so-called' truth they've been told so that they can save their clients and become the knights of justice.

But Jungkook did his job well, apart from looking into the opposite party, he made sure to enlighten himself with the actual truth his clients had to prove. And that made it a hundred times more difficult than it already was for him to solve the labyrinth of lies and truths.

But at the end of the day, if he was getting a peaceful sleep as his reward, he was ready to push his ass as much as he could to define the truth and help it win.

He took another sip of his coffee, sighing again to look at the puff of air and his hand automatically moved in sync to pull off a cigarette before the reality fell on him. There was no cigarette, there wouldn't be one.

He remembered how badly he wanted his father to give up on his addiction, only to be enticed by it on his own. College had given him a hard time, credits to his average looks and the continuous discrimination in the black hole that turned out to be a utopia for few and for some - a suffering perdition. How he had stupidly tried to be the one to justify all his friends who were bullied and then he'd remember ending up beaten in an unknown dark alley with blood patches staining his white shirt.

Another sigh, and he remembered how smoking had made him feel like he reeked out all his worries away in the air, just like a white puff of depression and hatred and pressure. The feeling of being unsolicited had disturbed him the most because he had always been in attention for his best endeavour but college had drowned all of that.

Smoking took it away, and his mother took that away.

She pulled him out of his mess but a little too harshly, he still remembered how she'd scold him for doing something he had hated as a kid. He felt guilty, but he did it over and over again. He did it until his dad talked to him. He thought he'd be threatened and forced instead his father opened about his worries to him, the reason why he had started smoking, and Jungkook, followed the lead. Shouted his grief and pain to his father and threw all his anger out. Once done, he felt light and relieved.

Never once in his life he was ignored. His needs were met, his situations were understood and his mistakes were corrected as well.

His father helped him get rid of his insidious habit and his mother provided him with the motivation he needed. Together they worked as a team and the outcome had been the Jungkook he was now.

Probably a better person, because when he left his addiction, he had gotten a better advice from his mother. To be the good one, apart from what you do or have to do, be the good one for yourself. No one else had to care about how broken or tired he would be from within, but if he'd intoxicate his body for that, he'd burn a hell for himself.

Another sip of his coffee and he felt a wave of his present life hit him. Honesty is the best policy, they had said. Apparently, they didn't lie, whoever that 'they' was, he chuckled again. His search of honesty and a passion to find that, all that became the steps of the stage he stood on today, as one of the few best lawyers of the city and reasonably of the country as well.

He was rich, he was noble, he was happy and he was quite arrogant, but the world had shown him better. His family was proud of him, he was glad he could do that, and his mother, who had been praying for him to reach his goals, was finally repaid.

Away from all these riches and engages, away from his work and honesty, was a life of pleasure that he hadn't given up on. He knew he was free, but to have the freedom of love, he was unsure.

He didn't let himself have that.

Every time his family hoped for him to finally have found the one, he had to disappoint them by denying, he couldn't find any reasonable excuse to explain his ignorance towards a healthy relationship.

Though he believed love was not for him, or perhaps it was the other way round, he secretly wished for that particular moment when he could rest his head on someone's shoulders. Eat some pancakes drowned in maple syrup, maybe and drink some wine and talk about himself, whatever he hadn't already let out. Romance wasn't pleasure for him but that feeling that he thought he would never feel.

And so the only option left was flings, who'd want to be pleasured and pleasure him in return.

The world was filled with those flings and people who needed that, he himself fell in that category, and the heaven of pleasure had inebriated him so dreamily, that he felt blessed.

Just like he was feeling right now, pleasured and complete, for a temporary moment but having sex after a whole month gave him a different perk of thrill.

He turned around to find her form laying on his bed lazily as she stared dead at her phone, the bluish illumination making her look attractive enough to let him lick his lips and then she turned to face him, a small, fake smile lifting her lips.

A cool breeze gushed through, reminding him that he was still half-naked, standing in the balcony of his so-called hideout, hundreds of feet above the ground, exposing his body for the world to gaze on but he cared the least. If he had something to gaze on, he was more than elated to show it off to the world. Although his job required the suits, nights had been the dancefloor where nobody knew who he was and he didn't care who he was.

"Baby," He heard her whimper for him, her high pitched voice irritating his senses. But she ached for him, he could see that, and her moans were sexy. For those sensual noises and few ticklish nibbles against his skin, he could bear with the unnatural tone.

A small smile curved his lips thinner and he looked at her curiously. His amusement increasing as he saw her spread her legs wide, her finger indicating him to come closer. He obliged, allowing himself a moment of mutual entertainment before the dawn could surprise him with another unsolved mystery.



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