12. Whispers

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Hello everyone!

Second update as said!

Without scary videos you all will be shock in this chapter😈

Lets start!

As you all know vaish got injured and blacked out! And sid got unconscious due to the ghost!! You all got to know what happened with Abhipri and sidnavi but what about devneet?!

(Lamoo i made hashtag for everyone😂😂)

So lets go with avneet for now!

Avneet is seen running like a mad person as if she is chased by a dog! And she stopped running when she heard one scream! Hearing that scream her heart stopped beating for a while! She almost died listening to the scream as she quickly recognized whose scream it was! She snapped her face in the direction from where she heard scream and shouted

Avi: Sidddddddd; with horrifying expressions!

She ran in that direction continuously calling out his love's name! And at some distance she saw one person lying on the ground covered with some dry leaves almost dead! She gulped down before making her way towards that person! She crossed her fingers in the hope that the person is not sid but little did she know that the person will be his love only!

Nope! She was unaware of this fact so she went and turned the person with her shaky hands and got shocked seeing his love!

She saw one knife stabbed in his chest and blood is coming out like flood!

(Dont kill author for this!😁)

Avi: Siddooo!

She whispered as tears made its way down on her cheeks!

Avi: Siddoo! We have to marry and settle our life together so how can you live me all alone in this world!

She said this and break down on his chest hugging him tightly and crying violently calling her love's name!

Meanwhile with abhipri

Pri: I feel like something bad will happen!

She said hugging abhi tightly

Abhi who is feeling same just hugged her back!

Abhi: Lets go in search of sid as i think he is in danger and need us!

He said this and broke the hug, holding pri's hand!

They both made their way towards sid as they heard the scream of sid!

But but but they are unaware of the upcoming twist in their life!

They both saw vaish lying dead on the floor in the pool of blood!

They saw her leg his bleeding badly and her head too!

They both ran towards her

Abhi kept her head on his lap and pri held her hands

Abhi patted vaish cheeks for waking her up while whispering her name as the lump which is formed in his throat is not letting him to speak loudly! Tears are rolling down from both of the cheeks!

Pri started shaking vaish shouting her name but nothing happened! Neither vaish moved nor pri stopped!

Words count:- 506

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Will this forest be the first graveyard for sidnavi?

Dont kill me!😗😗

We will meet soon, bye!

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