Chp 1 : How Its All Started

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The red-haired boy once again tried to pry the door open of the golden carraige with Ω sign at the end of the Hogwarts' Express .

"Any luck , Fred?" George Weasley asked from behind him . To which the red hair - Fred Weasley - shooked his head .

"Let me try , seriously even a first year can perform a simple unlocking charm" Lee Jordan said . Slightly pushing the Weasley twins aside , he pulled a wand out , tapped the weird lock with numbers and letters and mutter "Alohomora "

But the door of the carraige remained closed . Lee's ear turned red as chuckles arosed from behind him .

"Hurry up you three" , a stern voice said from behind them ,"The others have already found a compartment."

"But we are not able to open this carraige door , mom !" George exclaimed to the speaker as the three trouble-makers spurned towards a plump woman .

"Thats because the carraige is reserved for us " a voice with an heavy American accent said from beside them .


Long Island , 24 hours back :

It had been 2 months of absolutely bliss for Percy . Leo was alive . He had made quiet an entrance on Festus with Calypso one month after the war .

Thalia was with her sisters hunting monsters and maybe man alike , you can never be sure with them . Reyna and Frank were at Camp Jupiter , Hazel was there too helping Frank with his praetorship duties . Jason and Piper were off building shrines for all the minor gods . And about Nico , well Percy was sure he was in the infirmary .

"Don't you think Nico spends a little too much time in the infirmary , what do you think he does in there ?" He asked staring at the horizon . Though looked down when laughter reached his ears .

Without looking up from the book she was currently reading Annabeth replied ,

"No doubt it took you 4 years to realise that I liked you , Seaweed brain " she said chuckling when a frown formed on her boyfriend's handsome face .

"That doesn't answers my question "

"No it doesn't , why don't you ask Nico if you are so curious "

"And get myself shadowtravel to Alcatraz , no thanks I think I will pass ." Percy said , "Comeon Wisegirl atleast give me a hint ."

Said girl put the book aside on the sand and sat up from her lying position before turning to face her oblivious boyfriend . She got up and sat on Percy's lap still facing him and brought her face to his as close as she could without kissing him .

"Kiss me and maybe I will give you a hint ." She said biting her lips .

They were at the beach on Long Island but the sound of the waves was a distinct memory to Percy as he stared into the stormy grey eyes of his girlfriend . His heart dancing in his ribcage like its always does when she gets this close to him .

"With pleasure , mylady " the son of Poseidon said before closing the small distance between them . As their lips met he felt a weird tugging sensation around his chest like he was being pressed hard from all direction before the couples vanished from the beach with a loud pop .

"What in the everfucking Hades just happened here" Percy said when his bottom connected with the hard floor of the Big house as the weird sensation stopped .

Annabeth was still sitting on his lap and looking around he saw that the other demigods were lying around the Rec Room in different positions . Some still a little disoriented from the transport . Though Percy's outburst made all the pair of eyes turned towards the couple and did he mention that Annabeth was still sitting on HIS LAP!

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