Chp 4 : The Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

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Hermione stiffled a yawn yet again as she made her way through the towering rows of bookshelves . It was early in the morning . She had been barely able to sleep . Her mind buzzing with questions .

Even though she had gone to bed early , she wasn't able to sleep because of the constant chattering of her dorm mates . They had barely shut up about the new arrivals . Their looks , physical appearance and not to forget the wandless magic the boy performed so easily .

"Why aren't the wizards here like them ." were Lavender's words .

The Americans intrigued Hermione and thats why she was here . The one place that she knew she could get answers . She had asked around yesterday after the feast if they have hear about the magical school but the answers were all the same - a big fat No .

How was it possible that a school could not only hide its location but also its existence ? And a school that taught wandless magic to thier students ? Even though Jason performed a simple levitation charm . The way he performed it - with so much ease as if he had done it countless time - was what shooked the muggleborn witch to it core .

In her three years at Hogwarts and in the wizarding world , it was the first time she had seen someone perform wandless magic . Not even their headmaster has ever perform wandless magic in front of them even though there were rumors that he could .

"Only the highly talented wizards are selected " the words replayed in her head as she made her way towards the librarian with a copy of - 'History of all Wizarding Schools' .

Hermione put the book inside her bag or tried to as she walked through the corridors towards the Great Hall for breakfast when she heard footsteps from behind her before she heard voices .

"Another junction ? You have to be kidding me . Even the labyrinth didn't had so many turns ."

"I told you this was a bad idea . We should have just sat in the common room and waited for the others to wake instead of deciding to go on a run on the school ground ."

"Well we have been roaming around this endless corridors for an hour now so I don't think the effort are wasted "

"Yeah but you do realise that we still are lost , right ? "

The wandless guy Jason and Percy stood at end of the corridor . They hadn't noticed Hermione yet .

"They better have a map like they give in highschools or I would be lost for better part of the year . I mean this is a highschool right but just for wizards ?"

"I prefer camp to this . You won't ever get lost and you would bump into atleast one being dead or alive any time of the day ."

Just then Percy turned his head towards the right corridor , where Hermione was standing still listening to their conversation .

"Ohh finally a living being" the black haired boy said before he made his way towards her , his companion a step behind him .

Hermione cluched the heavy book to her chest to hide it title and straightened her back . When they both reached her she offered them a smile .

"Hey " Percy said "You are the Granger girl , right "

"Hermione" she offered

"Can you show us our way towards our sleeping quarters ? " Jason asked .

"I don't know where your dormitory is but it time for breakfast . I am heading towards there . I am sure your friends would eventually be there "

"My stomach agrees with you . Please lead the way " Percy said as Jason rolled his eyes .

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