Chp 3 : The International Wizarding Championship

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Harry sat next to the window and curiously watched as the group of teenagers which have appeared out of thin air tidied themselves while looking around . They were new but too old to be in their first year .

"Do you think Hogwarts is holding some transfer project or something like that ?" he asked to his two best friends as the group of teens passed their compartment and he read the name on their t-shirt - 'Hecate School of Advance Magic' .

Ron gave him a confused look not knowing what the termed actually meant and went back to his task of quieting down Pigwidgeon who was making a racket with his hoots .

"I am not sure ." Hermione replied who too had noticed them . "Maybe this is what Bagman wanted to tell us at the World Cup ."

The Quidditch World Cup , Harry thought . With all the packing and confusion of catching the Express , Harry had almost forgotten the event that took place after the World Cup .

He and Hermione has been staying at Weasley and it was chaotic with all of the Weasleys there . Harry had enjoyed it there , never feeling like a outsider .

Though his time there was fill with laughter and quarrels , he still was a little worried . He hasn't received his letter from his godfather yet . A few days back when he was staying at his uncle's house he had woken up from a dream with his scar hurting . He had wrote a letter to Sirius telling him about it . But Hegwig hadn't returned yet with a letter from Sirius which was making Harry anxious .

"What are two talking about ?" Ron asked after he had mufflled the tiny owl's excited hoots with his maroon dree robes that had mouldy looking lace frills at the collar and sleeves .

"A group of 13 teenagers around our age group just headed towards the end of the train . Their t-shirts said - Hecate School of Advance Magic . I didn't knew there was any other wizarding school except Hogwarts" Harry said

" Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are the two other Wizarding schools . I have never heard of Hecate school ." Ron finished looking towards his friend with a frown on his face .

"Neither have I in any of the books I have read ."

"In none of those enormous books that you have read for light reading this school was not mention ?" Harry exclaimed a look of disbelief on his face .

"Theres a lot of rivalry between the magical schools . Maybe this school has conceal its identity from the other ."

"Lets just forget about it . I am sure Dumbledore will tell us during the feast what this all is about "

They all agree but Harry could see that Hermione wasn't settle yet . She wouldn't be till the time she didn't get to the bottom of all this .

Neville , Seamus and Dean Thomas joined them and they all talked about the Quidditch World Cup , Neville seemed to be a little jealous . Ron was showing them Victor Krum's miniature figure when Draco Malfoy interrupted them .

He left quickly after some threats and nasty comments . Though Ron was in a bad mood for the rest of the journey .

Mid-way through their journey it had started raining . When they stepped out of the train , rain was pouring down like bucket of ice cold water accompanied by thunder .

Head bent and eyes narrowed they made their way towards the hundred of horseless carriages . As the trio climbed into the carraige the same group passed them and climbed in two of the carraiges behind them with Argus Filch .

They too had their head bent and paces quicker . Though except a tall black haired boy who looked like he was strolling in a garden with his hand in his pocket . When they passed their carraige they heard a snippet of their conversation

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