Chp 7 : Just A Sweet Funny Chapter

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A smile graced the raven hair boy's face , making his already handsome face more attractive as he watched his cousin duck another buldger .

"Do you think its wise to hide it from them ?" Percy looked sideways . He hadn't even realised that the Roman praetor was standing beside him . Swift and silent like a wolf . Her keen black eyes were trained several feet below them .

The said demigod sighed . Ruffling his unruly hair he eyed the daughter of Bellona . She was going to be 17 soon but with all the worried lines and that drawn out look in her eyes she could order a drink at a club without any hitch .

Percy knew he wasn't looking much better either . Except the two of the them , the common room was void of any other being . It was a circular room with tapestries of forests , waterfalls and others adorning the walls . They were moving of course .

Percy would sometime catch something peeking through the tall grasses or a glimpse of a fish from time to time . A large fireplace covered one of the wall . The round room was filled with squishy armchairs and tables with several windows overlooking the castle ground .

It was cozy with an almost homey feeling . With every breath Percy could smelt burnt food which has filled the room , courtesy of all the offerings the demigods as thrown in the now cackling fire for the gods . It reminded him of the dining pavilion . He could almost hear the hearty carefree laughter of his fellow companions if he closed his eyes . But it wasn't home . His home was back in America which may soon be under a looming cloud of war .

Percy was aware of the fact that it was morally wrong to hide the fact about another immortal being out to destroy the world from them . But he couldn't helped it . He went back to gazing out of the window.

It been a week now , since Hecate transported , apparated , them all the way to England . There was a look of content over all of his friends faces . Something that they have been deprived of for the past years . Despite the heavy feeling weighting on his chest, laughter slipped out of Percy's lips. Even Reyna chuckled , a smile gracing her face as she watched Nico holding (manhandling) Thalia to stopped her from killing the Stolls .

Not that anyone would question her if she did . They did deserved a punch in the gut or two after earnestly throwing those football size balls (bulgder) at the Huntress .

"Lets keep it a secret for the time being" Reyna said , dismissing her unanswered question .

"We should go down , once Annabeth and Frank comes back from the Owlery"

"To save the Stolls from being butchered or to join them in playing Dodge?"

Percy just smirked , not bothering to clear the roman praetor's doubt . His sea green eyes zoomed towards Jason . The former praetor had just scored his 10th goal and was doing a cartwheel in the air on the dingy broom.

There was no doubt Jason was controlling the winds . A fact that Leo was not happy about . He could almost see the cogs of the latino's brain moving from such a far distance. Most probably forming a devilish plan to subjugate the blonde superman's broom . Something that made Percy worried about and also looked forward to .

"We need to hurry up and join them , this sport looks fun." A voice Percy could recognise even in his sleep said . The entrance behind Annabeth and Frank disappeared magically as they entered the common room .

"Before Leo sets something on fire" Frank continued, a smirk forming on his lethal face. Percy knew even if the Shapeshifter denied it , he had a soft spot for the troublemaker.

"Did you send the letters to Chiron and Dakota?"

"Yes . Now lets just hope the owls can find their way to the camps safely."

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