Chp 8 : The Peculiar Percy Jackson

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There was an air of anticipation among the residents of the castle . Young wizards and witches talking in whispers  during classes , Flitch and his cat Mrs Norris searching every nook and corner for dust , cobwebs and suspicious students alike , Professors lecturing them to be at their best in front of the guests .

It was the morning of 30th October . The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were expected ed to arrive in the evening . The only people who weren't feeling restless were the Americans and their Headmaster , Harry thought .

Even the boy who lived was feeling restless but for some other reason altogether . For the past days he has been feeling irked at himself for running his mouth . Maybe it was coz of the nightmares he's been having about dementors chasing Sirius with some maniac laughing  in the background . Almost every night he would wake up covered in sweat . His ears ringing . Scar throbbing . Though neither of his best friends were aware about it .

It had all started after he have received the letter from his godfather informing him that he was coming back . His mood has been dampened ever since than . And nothing , not even the arrival of more foreign wizards could pry him from his reverie .

If his friends had catch on with the change in his demeanour , they have chosen to give him some space . To wallow in self-pity before he decides to open up . Though he would sometime find them whispering in a corner or throwing concerned looks his way , which only grated his nerves more .

"Harry , Harry its your turn . Go!" Hermione whispered yell from beside him while Ron nothing but pushed him forward . This was enough to get him out of his fouled thoughts and make him focus on the current situation or oncoming embarrassment .

It was their second DADA lecture and this time the professor has decided to put the Imperius curse on each of them .

Harry braced himself in the middle of the classroom , praying that he wasn't made to tap dance like Dean as Moody raised his wand , and said , "Imperio!"

It was a feeling he couldn't describe . It was blissful , the feeling he feels while he is riding a broom . He was happy , relaxed with every thought , every single worry of his forgotten but he was dimly aware of everyone watching him .

When he heard his  professor's far away voice to jump on to the desk he readied himself to do exactly that . But stopped when a firm voice from the back of his brain said that it was stupid .

Next thing he knew , he had fallen headlong into desk in an attempt to jump and simultaneously not jump on the table . The pain in his knee intensified when the curse was removed .

He was sure he had fractured both his kneecap but this didn't seem to stop the professor from putting him under the curse four times before  he could  fully throw off the curse .

Harry hobbled towards his friends as Leo sauntered towards the clear area , winking at him when they cross path .

He took his place beside his friends in front of the other Americans who were attending the class - Reyna , Frank , Percy and Annabeth .

He was surprised when he saw Annabeth already seated beside Percy when he had first entered the class . He thought she wouldn't be seen anywhere near the DADA classroom after the episode last lecture.

Their previous class had started without a hinge but it all went downhill when the ex-auror brought fought a jar with three spiders in them .

Within minutes of him demonstrating the first curse , Annabeth all but ran out of the class with Percy on her toes . Later he could swear he faintly heard someone hysterically sobbing though he maybe imagining it .

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