Chp 2 : Platform nine and three quarters

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"You are late" was the first thing Leo heard when he reached at the top of the hill . All his 12 companions along with Hecate and Chiron were standing in a circle . The Golden fleece behind them gleaming in the early morning rays .

Leo just shrugged feeling a little low to joke like he always did . He was late because he was saying bye to his girlfriend unlike the others . He was back to being the odd ball in the group .

If the group noticed his sullen mood they didn't acknowledge it by giving him sympathetic looks which he was grateful for . Better to pretend that everything was fine with him so that he don't start bawling like a five year old because he was leaving his girlfriend which he had just saved from her imprisonment .

One lean but strong arm on his shoulders made him looked up into the blue eyes of Travis Stoll . He raised one of his eyebrow asking him a silent question . A mischievous smile grew on his face , but he didn't say anything instead it was his older brother Connor who spoked from his left with the same expression like his brother .

"Don't get all sullen . You have we both as your companions . We can be like the three musketeers but - "

"We will call ourselves the three pranketeers " Travis finished for his brother .

"I like the sound of that " a mischievous smirk not unlike the demigod brothers forming on his impish face .

"And I don't" the petite curly head brunette finished .

Annabeth glared towards the trio and warned them in a stern voice - "I don't want you to exposed us the moment we reached there . No stealing anything and no screaming bloody fire and setting yourself on fire and no pranking innocent kids . And you better not destroy the school with any of your pranks " she finished with a glare .

"I think Percy is enough for destroying the school " Thalia snorted . To which everyone laughed (except obviously Hecate) . Even Chiron cracked a smile .

"Hey thats not true " Percy replied offended playfully glaring at the hunter .

"Ohk you can continue your conversation during your train journey to Hogwarts from Kingcross station ." Goddess said drawing their attention to her , "Keep your wand in your pocket or near you and try to get familiar with its used as for next months you will be using wands instead of your favored weapons for even the smallest task . Only used your weapons if you are attacked by monsters but there's a very little chance for that as there is a protective border around the grounds of Hogwarts . Now I will bless you with the knowledge and power you will require for this quest before apparating you to platform 9 and 3/4 on Kingcross Station ."

"Wait platform 9 and 3/4 ?" Frank asked the question but the goddess ignore him and snapped her finger .

Leo's head started to ache and sure enough words and names started to fill his head that he had never heard before . Looking around all the demigod had pained expression on their face clutching their head . Once their headache lessen and they were coming to their senses Hecate again snapped her finger and the same feeling of being squashed filled his chest before they all disappeared from the hill top with a pop and appeared disoriented on a crowded platform with a pop .

"One more time she does that and I will set aurum and argentim behind her goddess or not" Reyna growled before slinging the backpack on her shoulder more securely

"I am sure Mrs O Leary wouldn't mind joining them" Nico murmur quietly but loud enough for them to heard .

"Lets move and find a empty compartments before the train start moving ."

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