Chp 5 : Draco Found A New Mystery

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Draco once again chanced a glance towards the three foreigners . They were sitting in the front behind the 'golden trio' . The tall black haired guy sat in the middle twirling a muggle pen while the blonde girl sat on his right and the curly latino guy on his left .

"Looks like you found a new mystery to solve " , Theo whispered from beside him but quickly went back to taking notes when Prof. McGonagall glared at him .

Well he couldn't blame himself for being curious . Those wizards just apparated from god knows where and were now claiming that they were more talented than them .

Not to forget the fact that they claimed about how their school only selects the most talented wizards and witches . If that was true than how had the school hide its identity from the magical community for so long . Why haven't he heard about it ? The Malfoys were one of the sacred twenty-eight and a notable pure-blood family . How can it be possible that not even one of the Malfoys got selected by this exclusive magical school ?

Draco was sure that most of his ancestors went to Hogwarts due to the fact that his father always brags about how all the Malfoys have always been sorted into Slytherin .

Or what it a lie ? Draco was not sure about it . He wasn't even sure if he could waste his time on a mysterious school when he had his own problems to worry about .

Problems that should not feel like problems . But for some reason the possibility of the dark lord coming back to power , coming back to life made him feel uneasy . Obviously his parents tried to hide this fact beside all the other important titbits like the attack at the Qudditch world cup .

The Qudditch World Cup . Merlin! It was the first time he had seen the death eaters in action and his parents too who he was sure were behind one of the mask figures . It wasn't like he wasn't aware about the antics of the death eaters . How they loved to torture their victims before killing them . But to Draco it has always been just stories . Something that happened in the past . Something that his parents were part of but not anymore or thats what Draco thought .

He still remember vividly the face of the muggle woman etched with pain . The scene was so horrifying , that it had clouded his vision for a second , or maybe lifted the veil in front of his eyes that covered the bloody truth of his parents and his future .

The thought of being one of them had drowsed his body in cold shivers . It had send his mind into a moment of frenzy . Panicked enough to warn the muggleborn Granger to be away from the death eaters sight .

Though it sounded more like a snide remark than a warning even to his ears . Which was a relief. He could envision the look of disappointment on his father's face if he came to hear about how his son had helped a muggleborn , a mu-a mudblood! Which he could not able to bear .

The only person Draco respected was his Father . To him whatever his father did was law . But its pains him to admit that the blood chilling shrieks of the muggle family still keeps him awake at night. After that night whenever he would come across his parents, his father , for a second he would expect them to start laughing maniacally while throwing random hexes as they pleased .

Witnessing them torture the muggles that night with his own eyes made him see his parents as who they actually were . They maybe wearing a mask that night but they were showing their real faces .

After the Qudditch World Cup he has avoided his parents as much as he could . Too afraid to face his own parents. Too afraid to witness the murderous glint in their eyes . And if his parents noticed his strange behaviour they were too busy to ask him .

Draco shooked his head . He can't afford such useless thoughts . He couldn't, he shouldn't be questioning his parents action. They knew what they were doing, adults always knew. And he would be expected to follow in his parents footsteps soon. He tried to pay attention to what the professor was saying but his mind once again wandered back to the the blonde girl who was shaking her head while the other two boys' bodies trembled from silence laughter.

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