Majestic Phil

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{So me and Dan arent dating, we decided that it was way to soon to start to date and we want to get to know each other better then we do know, so for right now we are JUST FRIENDS.}

I take off my makeup because im getting ready for bed and sudenly I hear a massive crash coming from the living room. I walk out wearing my black tantop and some fuzzy bottoms becuase I dont want them to see the cut on my leg. As I walk down the hall I start to hear sobs and screams. When I start to turn the corner I see Dan on his knees trying to help Phil.
"What the Fuck is going on?" I say looking at both of them
"Can you please call 112 I think Phil broke his knee." Dan says frantically.
I look down at Phil's knee it's all bloody with glass in it and beside him is the broken GLASS FUCKING TABLE.
"He's so fucking majestic." I mumble under my breath
I pick up my iPhone 6
{One of the new things I got}and dialled 112 right away and girl with a deep voice answer the phone
"Hello London police department what's your emergency?" She says in a boring voice.
"My friend hurt his knee and we don't know what to do,"
"Ok we already have your address you will be assisted soon." and with that the phone shut off.
I turn to Dan saying that they they are coming.
"Ok Phil can you move your leg at all without it hurting?"
Phil then try's to move it and
Squeezes Dan hand to try not to cry.
I hear a knock on the door and I get up off the couch to open it. Of course it's the paramedics cause who else would it be because it's 2:00am. They walk and go straight to Phil that's now lying on the couch. One of them starts to do test on Phil's knee and then asks what happened.

"okay so Phil was going to grab the tripod from the other side of the couch so we could use it and as he was walking he tripped over a plushy and crashed into the glass table."
"We will get a stretcher up here so he can go to the hospital."
"And as you wait can you try to get him some water, to calm him down."
About 2 minutes latter they come back pick Phil up and we head to the hospital.

(After Phil's done with his surgery)
Phil wakes up about 1 hour after his surgery and decides that he's hungry, and even though we have told him about 100 times that he can't eat yet until all the "drugs" leave his body. I don't why but I looked down at my pants thinking I was wearing skinny jeans,
"Fuck!" I noticed I was not wearing jeans I was wearing FUCKING FUZZY PANTS."
I feel my cheeks get red, and I know this isn't a fashion show but. I zone back in to what Dan and Phil where talking about.
"How are we going to get the video up?" Phil says worried.
"Im sorry for asking, but what do you guys do for a living?" I asked kind of embarrassed.
"Oh shit we haven't talked about YouTube before?" Dan says.
"What's YouTube." I ask confused.
How should I explain?
"So me and phil both have channels on a site called Youtube, so we are technically "YouTubers" and we post videos."
That's why Phil was grabbing the tripod and that's why we have so many cameras."
"Me and Dan both post weekly." Phil says budding in."
"We didn't film when you where at the flat because we didn't want to scare you."
"If you want we can make a video with you,but you totally don't have to?"
Why would they not tell me, it sounds cool.
"Sure?" I say.
"Really okay well when we get back and Phil feels better we can show you YouTube and then maybe film.
The doctor walks in.
"So Phillip you fractured you knee cap and we will have to put you in a cast for about a month." "If you want to try to get up so we can fit you for crutches, and also all this is covered by your job."
Once we get back a day later at 10:00pm, Phil decides do go straight to bed.
"Hey are you going to bed now?" Dan asked me.
No I will probably stay up till 12:00 why?
"Do you want coffee?"
{We stay up till 1:00am talking, Next day morning}
I get up and go straight on my iPhone and look to see if Youtube has an app, it does and I download it.
I asked me to sigh up or to log in and because I don't have an account I click "sigh in" I use my google account that I had to get for work and it asked what I wanted to call my channel. I try just putting in the name Reina
(This name is already taken)
Then I try Reina1
(This name is already taken)
Finally I put in ReinaTalks

Then suddenly the screen goes to the Youtube homepage. I spend about 20 minutes learning how to use Youtube, I look at the side of the screen and it says recommend channels and the first person to pop up is Tyler Oakley.
Wait isn't that the guy I meet like a month ago. I start to watch his videos and I love them. Finally from what felt like hours of watching videos I hear Dan yell my name.
"Reina why do I hear Tyler's voice?"
I walk out and told I made a channel that I'm watching videos,we start to talk about channels and he takes my phone and starts to type Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil. These are mine and Phil's channels he says and then he start to subscribe to the channels and to about 20 more and we keep going back and forth with him to subscribing to people he thinks I'm going to like and me asking who they are.

Dubai ^___^)

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