He Likes Me He Doesn't

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I walk out and I instantly get bombarded with existed giggles and hugs. I scream and curl up in a ball in a corner because I feel overwhelmed and like I'm being attacked. Everyone quiets and turned towards me, I look up and everyone is so blurry. I can see Tyler's lilac hair but that's all. I hear Dan come out and race towards me and picks me up.
"Reina it will be all right, calm down." Dan whispers as he places me on his bed.
That's all I remember.
I wake up with a jolt.
"Fuck off mate, Dan says cheekily as Tyler teases him about something."
"Dude we all know that your head over heals about her." Connor buts in.
"Well... Even if I did like her I doubt that she fancy's me."
I slightly grin and let out a small but loud-ish squeak.
"Reina you up" Dan tells from the living room.
I sigh "ya just give me a second." I say we'll grabbing my black sweatshirt and my black skinny jeans. (Dan and Phil took her shopping for new clothes. That's why she has new clothes) I walk out trying to be as silent as possible. "Are you okay?" Tyler asks confused. I don't answer because all I want to do is forget about this embarrassing moment. " Does she not talk?" Connor asks sounding annoyed! trying but failing to hold in tears I run to the bathroom and lock the door. I slid down the door with tears streaming down my face. I look for something sharp and I find a razor and roll up my sweater sleeve and start to cut up my arm. Now sitting on the counter with blood covering my arm I heard Dan tell Tyler and Connor to leave. About 2 minutes later I here the door unlock (Dan used a paperclip) I flinch as he runs in and stops when her sees my arm. He quickly picks me up (bridle style) and walks out to the couches in the living room, at this point Phil has seen what I did and is sitting next to me,we all just sit there for what feels like hours. Finally Phil gets up and announces to Dan that he has to start to pack for L.A. to go visit his friend (Sam Bashor) that he has know sense primary school.

The next morning I wake up the next morning thinking that Dan was gone dropping of Phil and the airport, so I walk into his room where my clothes are [normal right? WRONG] right as I walk in I see Dan on top of his sheets.........Masturbating.......

I scream seeing something I didn't fully want to see, I run out hearing Dan scream and him trying to cover himself. I pull on my black slip on converse and run out the door. I didn't know where I was going but I wan't to run... I wan't to run because it brought back bad and cringeful flash back.


That night the monster was getting physical with my pregnant mom that told me to head to my "room" because she was scared that he would try to hurt me to... so I head to my "room" . After about an hour of the monster trying to get my sweet mother to have sex with him, even though she has was pregnant. I here my mothers yells quiet, I started to get really worried. I stood up off of the concrete floor and exit my room. I walked out into the long dark hallway to my moms and the monsters bedroom. Right before I opened the door I heard my mom scream.I hesitated opening the door... but my curiosity beats my nervous and I open the door...but.. what I see I would never forget...I see my mother laying their in her own blood and the monster... MASTURBATING...


As I walk down the street I get stopped by Dan.

"I'm so sorry Riena, you should have never ever let you see that." Dan says out of breath.

"Its o-o-okay," we started walking back and Dan suddenly stops.

"Hey Kian!" Dan says excitedly "Who are you with" Dan says right after.

"Oh this is Janaya...My fiance" We kept walking back to the flat without a word.

I walked in and sat on the couch, it was so awkward. Finally he spoke

"are you okay, I know I already asked but..."

"Ya I'm okay, it was my fault."

I walk to the washroom, I look at myself in the mirror. I stare at myself for 5 min then leave. I really don't know why I did this but I felt like I was dizzy and I don't know it just helped? I walk out and Dan was on the phone.

"Ya she saw me doing it, I am so embarrassed...., ya I was kind of thinking of her as i was doing it... is that weird Phil?"


I was sitting on the couch writing in my note book I got from Coles. Dan was gone picking up Phil from the airport. I spent this time getting ready.

I put on some black skinny jeans a black tank top, with a black and grey rolled sleeve parshly see-through t-shirt with a black zip up sweater. For makeup I wore black eyeliner and black mascara, I put on maroon lipstick and i was ready.

Right when I was done Dan and Phil walked in the door laughing about something. They saw me and decided to change the subject. After about 3 hours of talking about Phil's trip,Dan asks if we want to go out and eat. Phil quickly says no because he had already eaten, but they turn to me and without even discussing it with me are coats and shoes where on and we headed out the flat door. I didn't know where we where going but Dan says it was in walking distance. In about 1 minutes we where at a small cafè on the corner of the street.

{A:N- Hey Kitty I Hope You Liked This Chapter Of RxD Please Vote For This Story And I Hope Liked It! DUBIA}

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