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I woke up and new what I had to do today,
Get a laptop.
I started to get ready, I first picked out my outfit. I wore a black button up long sleeve shirt and put a black pullover sweater over with cat whiskers on it and I pulled the collar out over the top. I put on my black skinny jeans and I do my makeup. I decided to only put on concealer not foundation to, because today I wasn't totally hating me freckles. I remember The Monster always saying that my freckles made me look like a whore.
I cringe at the image in me head of him. I quickly snap out of it and continue on with my makeup. After I put on my concealer I put my powder over it. I reach for me black pencil eyeliner and line my waterline and my upper waterline. I grab my black liquid eyeliner I do a small cat eye. I grab my mascara and put that on too.
I look around my desk to try and find my plum mate lip liner and lipstick. After about 10 minutes of looking I see that it's right in front of me.
I go outside of my room and instantly turn around to grab my socks. Finally I grab my Attack on Titan backpack and put my wallet, a sweater, and some thin gloves. I grab a blank paper and start to right.
"Dan and Phil, I'm out grabbing something I will be back around 4:30. Please call if anything happens.
-Reina [^__^]"
I go to the shoes rack and grab my black army boots that feel like they take years to put on, or I'm just very inpatient. Before I lock the door I make sure I'm not forgeting anything, which I'm not so I leave.
I put in my earphones and turn on my Falling In Reverse album and start to walk.
"Just Like You" came on and I start to hum the beat. I can tell that people are looking at me, but I kind of have got use to that. I sometimes get a couple of people (that don't know how to whisper) say that I look scary or that I shouldn't be allowed to leave my house. I would say something back, but then I think if maybe that made their fucking sad life better by them saying that and I keep walking.
It's about 11:30 when I get to the Apple Store so I decided to go to a little café across the lane. I look both ways and cross.
I walk in and it's not busy at all because it's kind of hidden. There's about 3 people counting myself but not counting the people who work there. I order a apple cider and cheese biscuit. I stay there till 12:30 and then I go to the Apple Store. I decide to get the Mac book pro and a new phone case.
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I leave the store with my laptop in a bag and my phone case on my black iPhone.
Once I'm home I get Dan to help me set up my laptop because I didn't want the people at the store to help me because it was really busy. I took about 3 hours for t to finally to be set up fully. I sit on my bed with my legs crossed watching YouTube and going on Tumblr. At about 7:30 Dan comes to my room asking me to come out to the living room. As I walk out I look and see A 2 massive lights with a camera in between both of them, And Phil sitting on one of 3 chairs. I quickly know what is going on and I'm a little bit nervous, but I look at Dans hand gesture for me to sit in the middle chair.
Dan gives me a quick run down of what's going to happen while we are filming
"And Reina, remember if you need a break just tell us. Okay." Dan says taking a deep breath.
I could tell that he was nervous about filming with me. I looked over a Phil who was at the other side of me.
He looked so calm and happy. thinking about it Phil always was happy, other then when he broke his leg. {his cast is off now}
Dan looked over at me then turns on the camera.
(Dan P.O.V.)
Hello Internet, I say turning on the camera.
Today I'm here with
"AmazingPhil!" Phil announces.
"ReinaTalks." Reina says quietly.
Okay so you guys might be thinking?
"Dan who is she?." I say trying to have a different voice to sound like my views.
Well her name is Reina and she has been living with is for about 6 months, me and Phil haven't told you about her because she's not been ready to talk in front of more than 4 million people.
Anyways I know it's a short video but we wanted to introduce her to you guys, so if you see in her future videos you will know who she is.
I end the video and look over at Reina again.
(Reina's P.O.V.)
I breath in deeply and smile.
That could of went way worse.
"Are you okay?" Dan asked.
Ya I think it went fine I just want to know if people will hate me of not. I slightly laugh.
We film the same thing for Phil channel, and by that time it's about 7:30pm.
"Do you guys want to go out and get something for dinner?" Dan asked.
"How about pizza there is a really good pizza place up the street.
I grab my galaxy van slip-on shoes, and my black backpack to put things in.
Once we get there we all order different small pizzas. I ordered a cheese and green bell peppers, Dan orders a meat lovers, and Phil orders a vegetarian pizza.
We start to head home after we eat are pizzas. I have 4 pieces leftovers so I put the container in my backpack.
Once home, because it's like 10:00pm I take off my makeup and put on my pjs. I stay up till like 2:00am and finally fall asleep.
(A.N.-Hey guys I hope you like this chapter of RxD. I'm trying to update as fast as possible. Please vote and comment ideas for the next chapter. Thank you guys for reading! Dubai XD)

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