Lunch With Dan

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We walk in and get a seat near some massive windows looking out to the street. The waitress hands us menus and asks what we want to drink, "I will have a coffeè." Dan announce without any thought, "And I will have the raspberry sprite blend." I say hesitantly. The waitress walks away and I look right at my menu. I end up getting a sandwich and Dan gets a chilly. After we order I speak up. "So... what were you and Phil laughing at coming into the flat...?" I ask.

"Oh.. nothing, he just made a stupid joke." Dan says acting suspicious.

I sighed knowing that he was lying I just didn't want to pulled it out of him so I keep eating my sandwich. When me and Dan where done eating we exited the cafè. As we walked down the street a truck with a guy sitting/standing in the back slowly moving down the street, he stands up as he locks eyes with her and throws a brick at me.

"DIE YOU EMO FAG." the man yells. The brick hits my leg and I collapse, I feel blood streaming down my leg but I quickly stand up trying to get Dan to not worry. Dan picks me up as he runs home. He brings me to the bedroom to change into shorts so he can look at it. He walks out and I go and grab my black baggy sweater and my black skinny jeans. I take off my jeans and look at my leg. I see a massive bruise on my thin down to my knee and i see a cut 20 centimeters down with blood surrounding it. Not wanting Dan or Phil to see I quickly put on jeans. "I slightly scream and the pain is unbearable but... I walk in to the kitchen grab my wallet, say that my leg is fine and that I have to go to work (at second cup, she got the job yesterday.) I leave and walk not even a block, I walk in and put on my apron and hat and start work. {I like working there because with my social anxiety I cant be by a lot of people and second cup dosn't have a lot of costumers.} I end my shift at 9:00pm and start to walk home. I open the door becuase it was strangly unlocked. I kick off my van black galaxy slip on beside the door. Thinking that Dan is just on his laptop I walk in hearing moaning as the door opens. My eyes go up to see Dan Fucking a blond skinny girl, Dan sees me and screams.

"OMG..FUCK...GOD." Dan trying to cover himself up. My first thought was to run, So the first thing I do is put back on my shoes grab my bag a leave the flat trying to sprint even though I'm lacking the strength and mobility and I'm gone. After what feels like 30 minutes of straight running I turn into a alleyway and slide down the wall. I rummage through my bag, and even though I promised Dan and Phil that I wouldn't do it I pull out a razor and without thinking I start to cut...

I wake up not knowing what to do I get up and slowly walk to the flat. I open the door and Dan and Phils shoes aren't their and I make the decision to start to pack because I cant stay here anymore. I grab my suitcase and start to pack. After about and hour of packing and me being almost done I do one last check around the room to see if I forget anything. As im about to leave the door opens and Its Dan.

"I really don't know were she can be, Fuck i messed this up so FUCKING bad!" Dan says almost yelling. We lock eyes and then he looks down at my suitcase, Then he notices what was happening. 

"Reina No don't leave I didn't mean for you to see me like that." Dan almost yells with tears in his eyes!

" No... don't cry over me I'm worthless bitch and I mess everything up, its all my fault and I don't want to hurt you." I say grabbing the handle of my bag and looking down. 

"Don't say that, look at yourself your BEAUTIFUL and smart and I hate the ASSHOLE of a father you had but he "helped" make you so.. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, last night with that girl I was really drunk and I didn't know what happened, I'm so sorry just don't leave PLEASE." Dan says looking defeated. 

I look up to see his face and I drop my bag and take off my shoes and I mutter under my breath 

"you won." 


I woke up before Dan and Phil and got ready to have a shower, I had bought a new coconut shampoo and conditioner and a cinnamon body wash at primark yesterday and so I grab those and my new black towel. I also grab my black cat baggy pull-over sweater and my black skinny jeans to avoid any more mishaps with Dan. I run into the room as quickly as possible to put my P.J.'s back I close the door shut and head to the flat door and lean down to grab my black army boots and my black backpack and I leave. Second cup once again isn't  busy there's about 30 customers through out my 5 hour shift. A couple of them tried to make small talk but its short lived because they get there orders come before the costumers could get a lot out.

I pull off my apron and hat and grab my bag, its about 4pm when I'm finished with my shift. I start to walk back to the flat nervous because of what had happened last time I had walked home. I am almost to the flat when my leg has a large pain in it I keep going because I don't want to cause any attention towards me. I make it to the flat and instead of just walking in, to take extra precaution I knock and the door opens almost instantly, its Dan and suddenly he leans in and kisses me. I'm startled but I slowly close my eyes. It feels like we kissed for 20 minutes but in reality it was like for 30 seconds. We stop and he looks at me questioning if I was okay with what just happened. I nod and we kiss again and this time I dont studer and we stop once again this time he whispers into my ear.

"I dont want to do anything crazy, do you just want to watch a movie." He looks at me. I nod and link my hand with his and then we sit and I fall asleep after a bit of watching the movie. 


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