The Change

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❝ It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile

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It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile

All lit up and I start to smile

If I, catch fire then I change my aim

Throw my troubles at the pearly gates

Feet clad in tatty, grease-stained converse tapped against the roof of the Blacks' house as Jo hummed along with the song playing softly through the open window of her room, a lit cigarette poised between her fingers.

It was late on a Friday afternoon. The bracing cold nipped at her nose and cheeks making them shiny and rosy. The sun dipped below the horizon, kissing the ocean line with its golden rays and casting a pinkish hue over the skies above Jo's head. The girl took one last drag of her cigarette, looking up at the twilight sky and hugging her worn leather jacket closer to herself to preserve some warmth, before putting the cigarette out, thoroughly spraying herself with deodorant and climbing back through her window.

The weeks following the day Harper left were hard for Jo. Really hard. And she struggled with the adjustment of not having her friend around. Really struggled. The only thing that was really keeping Jo going, at first, were their weekly video chats.

Jo hadn't really interacted much with anyone aside from Grams. Of course, she'd go home, make her dad and brother some dinner, do the laundry and the other basic chores that she was required to do but as soon as she was done, she'd be off to Grams's place to work on Rosita.

The saddest part was, the girl didn't even think the other people in her life - like her brother and father - had noticed the shift in her demeanour.

Of course, she expected nothing less but the reminder that they couldn't care less about her still stung.

Fortunately for Jo, her dad was out and Jacob was with his friends in the garage. That meant she didn't have to bother with sneaking out, she could simply waltz out the front door and take a nice, calming walk to Grams's place.

"Jojo, dear, how are you?" Grams asked as the girl waltzed into her kitchen and started to make some hot chocolate.

Jo smiled.

"I've been okay, all things considered," she replied honestly.

Although things weren't the same, Jo was gradually getting a hold of herself. She was doing exactly what she promised Harper: She was trying.

"Well that's good to hear. I know Harper would be very proud of you," Grams said.

Her words made Jo smile as she turned around and handed Grams a mug of hot chocolate.

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