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❝ Because I'm happy

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Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel

like a room without a roof

Because I'm happy

"Thanks for the help," Jo said to Rosalie, "I just felt like I... hit a dead end."

"Of course," Rosalie assured as she inspected Rosita, "I'm always happy to help you."

Jo raised an eyebrow at her choice of wording.

"But not Bella?" She questioned curiously, wondering what the reason behind Rosalie's intense hatred for Bella was.

Rose huffed out a laugh much like Edward often did and chuckled.

"No. Not Bella," she agreed, "She's already got my entire family chasing after her like puppies. She doesn't need one more."

Jo nodded, "Touché."

As the gorgeous amber-eyed vampire inspected the car and it's parts, Jo anxiously picked at the skin around her nails, her leg nervously bobbing up and down. Rosalie tried to ignore it but after a few seconds, the behaviour started getting on her nerves.

"Ugh, if you need a smoke that bad just have one. I don't care," she told the girl with an eye roll.

"Oh thank god," Jo sighed thankfully, pulling out a pack of cigarettes that she permanently had stashed at the bottom of her satchel.

The girl lit up and took a long drag, exhaling with relief.

"Just for the record," Rosalie started, propping open the hood of the car, "I don't approve of your self-destructive habits. But I do remember what it was like," she stated.

"Remember what what was like?" Jo asked curiously, taking another puff.

"Being human," Rose said, "Addiction..."

Jo raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you used to be a goody-two-shoes back in the day?" She recalled.

Rosalie chuckled.

"I was," she stated with a nod, "But I remember what it was like to love something that's just gonna kill you in the end."

Jo lowered her cigarette, still keeping it poised between her index and middle fingers.

"What was his name?" She asked the vampire as she tinkered with Rosita's engine.

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