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❝ It's been a long day without you, my friend

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It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

"Alice, I swear to God I will hurt you if you even so much as—"

A string of profanities left Jo's mouth as Alice pulled and tugged at her hair.

"If you would just keep still—!" Alice growled.

"Why? So you can mould my hair to my scalp?"

Alice's fancy room was once again filled with the echoes of profanities as Jo hissed in pain.

That night, to celebrate Bella Swan's eighteenth birthday, Alice had decided to throw a party — to which Jo was invited. And while Grams got out of it, as she was obligated to attend a council meeting (especially since she'd faked a sickness to get out of the last few), Jo was not so lucky. So, instead of spending the evening at home, in her bed, watching reruns of whatever sitcom she and Harper decided on binging over Skype, Jo was forced to dress up and be civil for the occasion.

As per Alice's instructions, Jo — decked out in all black — wore her nicest outfit; which consisted of a black crop top with a deep sweetheart neckline, a blazer of the same colour and a matching pair of flowy, high-rise pants that were held up by a black belt, all paired with her signature pair of tattered converse — that she justified wearing to Alice as they were barely visible beneath the pants. And if Jo wasn't already uncomfortable enough without her regular extra layers of overalls, flannel and thick jackets, Alice just had to top it all off by holding her down, applying some makeup to her usually bare face and doing her hair.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Alice grumbled, "I think Edward's been rubbing off on you a little too much."

"Umm... do I look like an emo Tinkerbell to you?" Jo questioned, sass coating her tone.

"No," Jasper answered, appearing by the door, "But accurate," he praised, making Jo smile proudly.

"Come on they're almost here!" Alice begged.

Jo crossed her arms with an indignant huff, "Fine."

"Whoa!" Emmett exclaimed, zooming into the room with his usual teasing, mischievous grin, "Was that defeat I heard there, Jo?"

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