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a disastrous night
!! tw sexual assault
( again, rereading is not necessary as nothing aside from the way it was written was changed lol ignore the notifications :^ )

jeongin was sat on his room at the mansion he grew up in as a kid when they came from busan. the yang palace was filled with guests he barely even know, and it made his anxiety worsen.

he knew he needed to call hyunjin but his phone was dead and there was not a single working charger kept in his old room.

his parents were both downstairs entertaining guests after his mom comforted him for over an hour when she found out about chan's passing.

jeongin's mother said that they were to visit busan right after this event because she couldn't bare not visiting sooner. she was kind, gentle and sweet.

hyunjin is going to love her, and she's going to love him as well

he heaved a sigh and tried to calm himself before he slowly walked out of his door and downstairs where the ball was about to start. he was just going to stand, he thought to himself as he was not interested in dancing with anyone who isn't hyunjin.

the tall ceilings were decorated so elegantly and he thought how could the decorations even be put in there. the ambiance was perfect.

slow classical music was playing by an orchestra while people of different ages clad in their fanciest suit and glamorous dresses dance around the room. it could've been perfect for him as well, if only hyunjin was here.

"may i have this dance?" a deep voice asked from behind him. jeongin winced in surprised and as he turn around and was face to face with a tall brunette who wore a navy blue suit all over him.

he looked expensive, and his aura screamed arrogant all over but he didn't want to be rude. "gladly." the younger replied with a smile that didn't quite reached his eyes.

he didn't know who he was dancing with right now although he has definitely seen him around his family's meetings.

"i've been eyeing you across the room all evening." the tall boy leaned in and whispered into his neck, which made him cringe and shiver in disgust.

jeongin cleared his throat and faked a smile once again. "may i know your name?" he asked politely and he felt the hands of the stranger tighten violently against his waist. he bit his lip, hurt.

"hm? you don't know?" he scoffed with a lopsided smirk. "come with me and you'll be screaming my name in no time." and without waiting for a response, he dragged the young one to the bathroom.

jeongin was weak compared to his huge torso and even though he tried to stop him, his petite self couldn't. the people who saw them thought they were friends just about to go powdered and freshen up, so they smile and waved.

he wanted to scream and fight him but he knew it would cause a scene and it may also end in the news. so helplessly he let himself get dragged.

as soon as they were inside the cold walls of the bathroom, minho pushed the younger on the door rather harshly, taking his suit immediately.

"p-please stop, i need to g-go." jeongin was shaking violently as the brunette grabbed his face roughly. he felt disgusted and nauseated as soon as the older's lips were all over his neck and he looked at him straight before forcing his tongue inside the younger's mouth.

the brunette hit him across the face when he wasn't kissing him back, and it felt like it would leave a huge bruise.

"s-stop! help!" jeongin was whimpering in pain with tears already falling to his eyes. minho was slowly grinding himself against the small one and when he was unbuckling the boy's belt, the door suddenly flung open with so much force it made a huge impact on the wall.

the blue haired boy couldn't believe who he was seeing right now.

"j-jinnie?" he whimpered weakly. the older looked so pissed as he glared at minho, a stare that looked like he was ready to kill someone and that someone is his filthy step brother.

veins from hyunjin's hands were bulging as he stood at the door clad in an all black suit that made him look hotter than he already is.

"you fucking son of a bitch." he growled and the brunette didn't even get a chance to run because he was already at his neck, landing punches on his face and his body.

his nose started bleeding immediately and he knew it was about to be broken. "i'm going to fucking kill you!" the younger watch as the blonde straddled minho to the floor, almost actually killing him if it weren't for a woman who looked like the brunette who entered the bathroom.

"hyunjin, stop! what are you doing?" she tried to get the boy off of her son but she simply couldn't. hyunjin was seeing red and he knew if he didn't stop he'd eventually end up in jail for murder, but he couldn't control himself. he was angry for touching and abusing what's his.

"jinnie, please stop." jeongin touched his shoulder and his bloodied fists, preventing him from hurting minho who was almost unconscious.

a line of blood from the brunette was splashed at the bridge of his nose while be breathed heavily, still glaring at minho and his step mom. the younger immediately snuggled into his chest, and cried while hyunjin held him over protectively.

"shh i'm here now baby. no one's going to hurt you anymore." he said placing kisses on the younger's head.

he was mad at himself for not spotting jeongin immediately and not being aware that this was his home. he was a yang after all, how could he forget that. "you're safe now."

"you  stupid coward, with what you've caused, how could we get this deal now!?" the woman screamed, closing the door so that no one would see what's happening. she was knelt by her son who wasn't moving at all.

"i don't give a fuck about your deal! go rot and suffer for all i care" he shouted, and it scared the younger so he pulled him closer to his chest. " just know this. that motherfucker harassed my boyfriend." jeongin flustered at his words, feeling a surge of pride and happiness.

"an heir of all the yang's properties." a smirk formed in his face when he saw her face fall as realization hit her. "thats fucking right, he's their only son. yang jeongin."


"if that shit managed to live, i guarantee you this won't be the last time we'll see each other" he then carried the younger before dangerously adding.

"see you in court."


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