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jeongin woke up to the feeling of hard pounding on his head. it felt like thousands of hammers were going through his skull as he look around, nauseated and still on the verge of passing out.

the young boy was drenched in his sweat and while he attempted to move even just an inch, he couldn't. his wrists were restrained in handcuffs behind him and his feet were tied together in a thick rope as well.

he looked around to see the room with no windows at all. a single bed and a table were the only furnitures and there was not a tiniest drop of dirt anywhere. strangely enough the room was well kept and very much neat.

jeongin shut his eyes as he felt his whole body twitch in agony before the pain fades again. minho drugged him and although he had no single cut or bruise on him, the younger felt like his body was about to collapse anytime soon.

his heart was beating wildly against his chest as he began to feel stupid and naive for trusting someone who once abused and traumatized him. a single tear slipped as he shuddered in the cold, small room.

then it never stopped. the tears kept on falling as his head hung low, bringing his knees closer to his chest. "hyunjin where are you?" he whimpered, not bothering to hide the loud sobs escaping from his chapped lips.

although it was obvious he was alone, the younger oddly felt like he was being watched.

jeogin then flinched once the steel door suddenly made a loud clinging sound before fully opening. his whole body began to tremble violently, his heart beating fast it was like he's about to go through seizures any time soon.

from behind the door he saw nothing but darkness and the faint outline of the devil himself who wore a disturbing smirk on his face.minho.

"welcome home my little one." he sneered with every step forward he took. he walked very slowly as if to taunt and scare the younger more.

minho was enjoying every moment and his smile grew when he saw jeongin whimpering, struggling to scoot as far as he could crawl away from him. "you can't run from me anymore jeongin. you're mine now." the older's menacing laugh echoed through the four corners of the room and it made him shiver more in fright and in disgust.

"why are y-you doing this hyung," he asked, still dragging his body away from his kidnapper. jeongin froze when his back hit the walls and as slowly he looked up, minho was already in front of him.

smiling from ear to ear as if he'd just won the lottery it made the younger feel sick to his stomach. up close he noticed what he failed to see earlier.

minho's face was busted and it was obvious someone had give him a beating. this made his hope rise up, thinking that it was hyunjin who hurt him but in reality it was part of the plan.

"2 whole years i've waited, innie and now.. hyunjin doesn't even know you're with me. he will never know." minho smiled as he knelt down in front of jeongin, bringing his hand to caress away the tears that fell on his soft, flawless skin.

"don't cry. i promise i'll be gentle this time." he whispered as his grin widened eerily. this made more hot drops of tears stream down the face of the younger and he began to shout for help even though he knows no one would ever hear his cries.

he doesn't even know where they are, all he knows is that its far from home. far from hyunjin.

his breathe hitched when the silence was cut short by a phone ringing. he then saw minho grunt and curse before grabbing a handkerchief from his back pocket and attempting to gag the younger.

jeongin faced away from him, refraining from being gagged but he was stronger as he pull the younger's face towards him and tied the cloth tight around his mouth to prevent him from making any sound.

"if you want this to be easier, be quiet or else everyday is going to be a punishment for you. understand?" he growled and the younger had no choice but to nod and obey. minho slid his phone to answer, walking a bit far from him as he hear hyunjin's voice from the other line.

"i've already hired a team to investigate. hyung they want to interrogate you." even though it wasn't on loud speaker, jeongin heard him very clearly and he knows its hyunjin. he couldn't be wrong.

more tears came as he widened his eyes, his voice being muffled by the gag in his mouth. minho slowly turn around to face him, a glare penetrating through him.

"can we do this another time maybe? i'm still at the hospital and i won't be discharged until tomorrow night." the older swallowed dry as he was slightly nervous. he just hoped that hyunjin won't ask him where he's admitted at.

there was a long pause of silence on the other line and for a moment the older thought hyunjin had already ended the call but then he spoke, his voice hostile and emotionless.

"oh. that would be no problem at all." and then the blonde hung up. something in his tone tells minho that he knows whats going on.

and knowing hyunjin... he will never hesitate to investigate further and further if that means finding the jeongin. he will never stop. the brunette thought hyunjin was pure and utterly clueless.

well, he's not.


hyunjin continued pacing around the house as authorities investigated their house as well although it was fucking obvious that jeongin was not here.

what he heard from the call with his brother, he knows it was a scream. and it was his younger's. he had a sick feeling minho was behind all of this from the way his voice wavered earlier and the way he acted too. hyunjin could be wrong but he can't take any more risks.

he dialed a number in his phone and his hand trembled for awhile. the other line picked up.
"call all hospitals right now and ask if lee minho is admitted in any of them. this is urgent, thanks." as he pressed end, his knees wobble and all he could do was sit around his living room while the mansion got searched.

he blamed himself over and over for trusting that motherfucker when he shouldn't have and leaving the younger along with him.

what was he thinking?

he clasped his hands together and rested his head on them. he didn't know if he'd be able to handle another whole day without jeongin and who knows what that sick bastard is doing to him now. it makes his stomach drop.

not even a few minutes after the call he made, his phone was obnoxiously ringing in his lap and he answered as soon as he open it.

"sir we found lee minho admitted in medical avenue." hyunjin's heart dropped, sighing as he felt defeat. he was ready to end the call once again but the man wasn't done speaking yet.

"but he was discharged at least 2 hours ago."

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