thirty two

970 40 26

blood, sweat and tears

"where is he." hyunjin's voice vibrated, deep and hollow as he tried not to snap the persons neck who was stood in front of him.

earlier while they were inside the mansion investigating, he noticed a lurking black bugatti that kept on speeding past and back them. it was as if the car was there by his step brothers demand to stalk and he knows he isn't wrong.

the man who towered over him with only an inch didn't answer, staying frozen in the same spot.

"if you think i'd say anything, you're mistaken." he smiled thinking as if his sentence alone made him look scary when the older wasn't even fazed not one bit. the man took a step forward as if to threaten the blonde who was looking at him with an emotionless expression.

hyunjin then smirked, licking his lips as he let out a cold chuckle before his hand went directly to the hooded mans neck.

he gripped on it with a grasp not even tight but the man was already sent into coughing fits, struggling to breathe as he tried to pry hyunjin's fingers off.

"if you think i'd let you live, you're mistaken." his grasp began to tighten as he pursed his lips, glaring right through the man who was starting to buckle and pass out.

"sir we need you to calm down and let us do our jobs." an officer tried to drag hyunjin as he got more dangerous but it took at least two of them to successfully pull the raging blonde.

he was panting as he swat the officers' hands away, eyes still penetrating through the man. "you're not doing anything! my boyfriend could be fucking hurt by now and we still haven't found them." he cried out with a loud voice that startled everyone, walking away from the man who helped kidnap his younger because who knows what he could do when he saw him one more time.

hyunjin cursed, frustrated as he ran his fingers through his messy hair for a hundredth time this night.

he threw a punch at the white walls that were now splattered with faint blood from his knuckles that were busted open immediately.

his mind kept on wandering with thoughts he wished he could erase. the older knew that he failed once again in protecting jeongin, he knew he was only getting hurt because of him.

then a tear slip as he came to a realization. he was the one who'd always put the younger in trouble and the blonde knew that he could only put an end to all of this by doing one thing.

once he had found jeongin, once he knew he was safe, hyunjin will be gone for good. it was what he thinks would be best, not for him but for his younger. he couldn't keep risking jeongin's life.

"sir we have traced their location," an officer suddenly said behind him.

"we found them."


minho grasped the knife in his hand gently, admiring how it glistened under the bright white light. he ran his finger along the sharp side of the knife and a smile lit up his face as he saw just how easily it cut through his skin, leaving small drops of blood on the floor.

the brunette sad beside jeongin who was unconscious, pointing the blade right through his chest and gliding it around his skin teasingly without it penetrating through yet.

"this could've been more better if you were awake, innie." he whispered burying his face into the younger's neck and inhaling his scent , a small whimper of satisfaction leaving his lips. "hmm always so sweet." he murmured with a sickening smile.

then in a swift motion, he dragged the knife along the soft skin of jeongin swerving the knife as he make lines that would read out his initial.

blood started gushing out just below the younger's collarbone where he had now successfully carved the letter m.

but minho was not quite satisfied yet and he carried on with carving his whole name into the bloodied skin. he carved i n  and with only just 2 letters he would've already finished, but the faint sound of footsteps approaching made him freeze on the spot.

they were too heavy and slow for it to be one of his men so with the knife still clutched in his hand, he made his way behind the steel door.

from here he admired his work. the younger wasn't awake but his chest was still moving up and down rhythmically, assuring him that he was still alive. then the knife he held very carefuly to his hand fell on the floor with a thud as the door was kicked open suddenly.

his heart raced and he was unable to move as numerous officers clad in bulletproof vests flung inside fiercely pointing a gun upfront. but it wasn't them he was mostly worried and scared of.

minho felt as if his whole body was paralyzed as soon as his eyes locked in with the bloodshot ones of his step brother.

hyunjin held eye contact , his lips forming into a snarl before he attacked straight towards the direction of minho.

this time no officer could stop him as he choke the older into his raging fists.  "i trusted you." his voice cracked with pure betrayal and hurt and hyunjin wouldn't have never stopped had it not been for the knife he failed to notice minho was holding. his eyes widen as he felt his whole body go numb.

slowly his eyes followed the trail of blood where it lead him to the unconscious body of his younger. what he saw made bile rise to his throat as he let out a retch.

hyunjin dropped down to his knees as he gave in, full on throwing up. it was almost hard to convince himself that jeongin was still alive from how much blood he was drenched in. the blonde held a hand to his mouth to stop his loud sobbing, trying to stand up even though all his strength had already left him.

he ran to the him, immediately clutching his frail and cold body tightly in his arms. "baby wake up. i'm here now." he whispered, shirt, hands and his skin stained in the younger's blood as he held him closer to his body.

he was panicking and the only thing giving him hope is the faint sound of his breathing and the rhythmic pattern of his chest falling up and down. blood, sweat and tears all mixed up and even when the authorities are trying to drag him away from the little one, he didn't let go.

hyunjin clung tightly on his younger as his whole body shake with his excruciating cries. "don't fucking touch me!"  hyunjin screeched as he burry his face into the jeongin's skin who was still unconscious.

"sir he has already lost a lot of blood and he is continuously losing more, please move away and let the paramedics take him." and even though he knew they were right he couldn't bare to let go.

helplessly he watch as jeongin's body was gently pulled away from him and put straight onto a stretcher. the loud sirens of the ambulance and police cars echoed inside the room and hyunjin was left a crying mess inside the room with no one but police officers.

minho had been handcuffed and escorted back outside by two officers but he didn't bother to ask or know what they are to do with him.

it was good he wasn't in the same room as him or hyunjin would end up in jail as well. one by one everyone left and he was just left alone again.

he slid down on his back, propping his hands on his knees as he stared into nothing, tears continuously streaming on his cheeks.

"he doesn't deserve any of this." he sniffled.

"he doesn't deserve me."

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