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chapter forty

"baby can you please hold my hand."

"do you need to vomit innie?"

it was a seven to eight hour flight from seoul to bali and the two have already boarded their plane. they've only been in the air for 20 minutes and the younger was already in a bad state. pale skin, clammy palms and cold sweat dripping on his body.

"i don't think so. can i just have water please?"

hyunjin was panicking slightly as he knows how bad jeongin's fear was of flying so he wrap his arm around his head, serving as his pillow while he handed him an untouched bottle of water. "i should've ate breakfast before we left." he groaned while he laid his throbbing head on the blonde's chest.

"you did eat. was it not fulfilling enough? you know, my cu-"

"jinnie stop it, i'm serious."

jeongin started blushing furiously as he remembered how they were almost late because of doing it in the closet where his packing was interrupted shortly. at least something else was filled earlier, it was just not the bag though. hyunjin pulled his cap down further to cover his forehead, his body shaking as small laughs erupt from him.

"sleep it off baby, i'm here don't worry." he placed a soft kiss on his forehead and gave the younger an airpod to keep him company. he inserted the other pair to his ear and shuffled through the playlists on his phone, trying to find a song to help calm jeongin down.

eventually he gave up in scrolling through the long lines of songs and he just let the app play randomly. tired and sleep deprived, he shut his eyes, laying his head on top jeongin's while his fingers caressed his shoulders. they were in class a seats and the section was almost empty except for a couple and an old man in the row on their left sat further down away from them.

taemin's criminal started to play softly on the airpods, making hyunjin inhale sharply.

i know well that you're bad for me

the older clenched his thighs close as the lyrics described perfectly just how he feels for jeongin. what he has for the younger became more dangerous than he thought as he was badly attached to him. every little thing he does pulls him deeply into the pit and the innocent one had no idea.

you're eyes and the way you move

"jinnie. can you please check if anyone is around."
hyunjin's eyes fluttered open as soon as he heard the boy beside him speak quietly. jeongin's eyes was still closed and the older noticed how his chest was rising very rapidly as if he was running out of breath. this concerned him.

"baby what's wrong? tell me what you're feeling."

"i'm fine. is anyone around?" he repeated and this time his voice was firmer, laced with hunger. hyunjin on the other hand was confused but still checked anyway.

"nobody's near us."

he heard the younger hum in satisfaction and he watch as he threw the small blanket they provided in class a over their lap. hyunjin figured that he must've been just cold and so he rested his head back and shut his eyes. he was just about to fall asleep when he felt jeongin's fingers rub his thigh.

i try to get away from you

"innie what are you doing." he hissed under his breath as he flutter his eyes once more. his breathing was becoming ragged as he feel the small fingers of the younger caress his growing bulge. jeongin still had his eyes closed but this time his mouth was formed into a smirk.

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