thirty four

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chapter thirty four
- nightmare

hyunjin froze in his spot.

unable to speak, to move, unable to breathe.
this couldn't be true he said to himself and with the little strength he had left within, he attempted to stand up only for his vision to be dotted with stars before darkness fully swallowed him.


"hyunjin wake up."

"you're scaring me."


it was a blessing to hear his younger's voice one last time even in just his sleep. at least in here he could feel him still.

"hyunjin wake up!"

slowly his eyes fluttered open as warm hands grasp his arm. his vision was blurry but in front he could see him very clearly. his heart was beating wildly against his chest as he felt the dampness of his sweat drenching his shirt.


"yes baby it's me, what's wrong? you've been crying in your sleep." jeongin asked in pure concern. he had been trying to wake the older up ever since he started whimpering. it always scares him whenever hyunjin goes through a series of nightmares, he always seemed so helpless and terrified. "do you want a glass of water?" he asked and was fully taken aback when hyunjin suddenly pulled him closer to his body for a hug. jeongin was moved on top of the older as he burry his face into his neck, inhaling his scent of strawberries he badly missed.

"i thought i had lost you." the younger was confused as hyunjin started tearing up. "lose me? why would you?" jeongin cradled hyunjin's face in his small hands and it was evident how utterly terrified he actually is. he seemed so serious. "it's just a nightmare babe. i'm still breathing see," jeongin then inhaled and exhaled in an exaggerated matter to prove his point and it made the older chuckle.

"if i have to witness that again, i'd rather not sleep." he mumbled to jeongin. the younger was considerate for not asking because he knows it would be bad if he bring it up. "shh everything's fine now. come i'll cook us breakfast." he attempted to pull hyunjin up but instead he was the one pulled back down on his chest. "can we just lay here and cuddle forever. besides i already have my breakfast here with me." and there the old hyunjin was back.

"hyung stop it." jeongin whispered, slapping his chest as he felt his ears warmed up. hyunjin finally relaxed, coming into terms that it was just one of his shitty nightmares he wished he would never see again. he find it amusing how easily innie could still be flustered by him. "you know i love it when you call me that but in three days, would i still be your hyung?" he teased, bringing up his younger's birthday. "we would be the same age then but i would still call you hyung. you're still older and you look older." jeongin teased back sticking out his tongue which was instantly caught by hyunjin's hungering mouth.

it was sloppy kiss and the two were immediately immersed in a make out session. the older was panting as he wrap his fingers around jeongin's neck who was a moaning mess grinding lazily on top of hyunjin's lap. "innie i'm hungry." he whimpered in between kisses, grazing his sharp teeth on to the swollen lips of the younger who was breathing very shakily. "i-i'll make something for you then." the boy managed to stutter and just as he was about to fully pull away, hyunjin grabbed his butt in both his hands and started to massage it, spreading innie's cheeks open with his slender fingers. "strip. i want you." the older whispered in a very low voice, leaving no room for jeongin to disobey.

"akira would be here in just a few minut- mhm hyunjin." he arched his back as soon as he felt the blonde's thumb run over his hole as a way of teasing him further. "we'll be quiet and i'll make it quick i promise." hyunjin whispered with his head buried deep inside jeongin's neck, his hot breath fanning his skin. "quiet? since when did we accomplish that." the younger replied as a matter of factly, making a small chuckle escape from hyunjin.

in bed it has always been jeongin who couldn't control his loud, arousing moans thus turning the older on more when they're in the middle of having sex. hyunjin wasn't complaining though because he was more than addicted to his cries. it was like drugs, euphoric and fulfilling to his ears. "innie i can feel you already. just take off those damn shorts." hyunjin growled as he dug his fingers into the younger's behind, feeling how bouncy it was although covered in tight shorts. "jeongin. don't make me say it again." but seeing as the younger still doesn't plan on taking it off , hyunjin frustratingly grab on the fabric and with just one swift tug, ripped it open.

jeongin yelped in surprise, mouth hung open as the black cloth that used to be his shorts was thrown across the room. meanwhile the older licked his lips, staring intensely into the boy's eyes with so much lust and hunger that just a quickie wouldn't be able to fulfill him. "those were my favorite-" jeongin pouted, looking at him with his puppy eyes. "i don't care. i'll buy you dozens of those after were done." hyunjin snapped as he was already horny, pulling the bare bottom of jeongin to his growing boner. the younger was now left in just hyunjin's white shirt and he couldn't be more perfect looking distressed and messy on top of him.

"please don't use toys in me." he pleaded as hyunjin's hand grab on his hips to adjust his position. the older gave him a lopsided smirk.
"and whys that hmm?" he licked his fingers, eyes staring straight at the younger who was beginning to stain the blonde's boxers with the pre cum leaking off of him. hyunjin then caressed the bare skin of the boy before forcefully entering three fingers into him and then pulling away swiftly just as he inserted them.

"i want you."

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