thirty nine

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chapter thirty nine
( tw: mentions of eating disorder )

"happy birthday baby."

hyunjin whispered as he watch jeongin sleep peacefully. his body was glazed still with sweat as he was tangled in the sheets, every inch of him exposed much to the older's delight. he held one unlit cigarette in his hand while the other went to caress his behind down to his thigh, hyunjin's cum still stained on it.

he was quite proud of himself for not giving the younger new cuts or bruises although he wished he had done it. hyunjin though it would be best if every injury jeongin had healed fully as he was scared their daughter might see them one day and freak. slowly he was trying to discipline and get control over himself again.

the blonde wore the boxers he found on the floor and grabbed the lighter to start his cigarette. he inhaled, eyes rolling back as the nicotine filled his lungs then he puffed aiming for the window.

"mmm. jinnie?"

hyunjin's eyes widened before he turn around to face jeongin who was groggily staring at him, still half asleep. the younger hated smoking but he didn't say anything and instead he gently rose from the bed and attempted to walk towards the blonde but failed as his knees immediately buckle. he groaned in pain, wincing as he sat up against the headboard.

"careful baby. don't force it if you can't walk."

"come here then. please."

hyunjin was about to throw the cigarette away but the younger shook his head in a demand to say no. his brows furrowed as he walk towards the bed where jeongin guided his fingers to his mouth and connected his lips to the burning stick. the blonde hummed lowly, surprised and turned on as this was the first time he witness him smoke aside from when he puffed air inside him.

jeongin shut his eyes as he inhaled for a few seconds before slowly exhaling in front of hyunjin's face.

"you can't smoke."

"why not?"

"because i said so."

"i can do whatever i want."

"don't give me that attitude innie."

"but it's my birthday." he scoffed as he cross his arms. "you forgot haven't you."

"yes i did."

hyunjin winced in pain when a slap landed on his thigh. jeongin glared at him and snatch the cigarette stuck between his fingers, smoking it like the little angry brat he is. the younger scooted away from him to emphasize that he was upset and this made hyunjin giggle.

"aw is someone mad?"

"don't touch me."

"that was not your request last night though?"

"i hate you. go fuck yourself."

"you already did tha-."


the blonde scooted closer to him, snaking his arms around his bare waist and pulling jeongin to his chest. "come on baby you know i was just kidding. when did i ever forget your birthday?" he started to place light kisses on his sharp jaw and the depths of his deep collar bone. jeongin had been improving a lot from his anorexia and although his weight still drops from time to time, his state had been a lot better than before.

jeongin had never threw up after meals and he was consistent in trying to be healthy again. he couldn't do any of these without hyunjin supporting him.

"i'd give you your present now. but you need a plane ticket to go to bali right?" the younger's face lit up almost immediately as he brought a hand to his mouth. he stuck the cigarette down the ashtray by the nightstand and attacked hyunjin with a hug.

"are we really going there?" he was so eager and the older laughed as he looked like a child excited for the holidays. "i swear jinnie if you're not being serious right now." his nicotine breath wafted around them and it made the blonde crave his scent more.

hyunjin carried him and let the boy straddle his lap while he laid against the headboard. "yes baby. only the two of us, for three days." jeongin squealed excitingly as he wrap his arms around him once more.

"what about akira?"

"her and nana would follow, they just need to prepare for something."


"no more questions innie."

he nodded and suddenly the younger jumped from his lap, covering his body with hyunjin's scattered polo on the floor and limping straight for their walk in closet. "oh my god you could've at least informed me a little bit earlier. i don't know what to pack!"

"come back in here, i've got another present waiting for you." hyunjin raised his eye brow suggestively but jeongin shook his head.

"i'd like to be able to walk later, no thanks."


"no more sweets after 6pm. tv is to be off by 9, no watching horror films. and always have water by her side tab-"

"baby. relax, ok? it's only gonna be three days."

"oh akira." jeongin pulled the child in an embrace for the 12th time this day. they were packed and ready to leave for the airport. the two was supposed to go now but since jeongin was too emotional, they still haven't left yet. "be a good girl ok? just call for nana if you want to talk to us."

"yes daddy i will." the younger kissed her forehead and he stepped aside letting hyunjin embrace akira.

"don't misbehave." he heard him say in a stern voice, making a chuckle leave his lips. hyunjin wasn't always this strict, he just is when he needs to.
with a wave of goodbye the two were finally out through the door and inside the car that was waiting for them just by the gate.

"jesus christ innie what did you bring? your whole wardrobe?" the blonde clad in hoodie and sweatpants complained as he struggled with having to carry both his and the younger's excruciatingly heavy luggage. he grunted as jeongin opened the car door for him where he immediately hauled the bags inside.


"alright, alright geez."

as soon as the bags were organized inside the car, the two settled in and the vehicle pulled out of the drive way. jeongin clung on to hyunjin, snuggling into him as he felt the cold morning breeze even though none of the windows were rolled down.

"what are you even wearing babe. your shirts way too thin i can see right through it." hyunjin tsked before removing the hoodie he wore and wordlessly putting it on the younger's body. as always, it looked very oversized on him but nonetheless jeongin loved it. he watch as the blonde rummage through the duffel bag to grab himself a hoodie.

"i love you." he whispered to hyunjin which made his lips twitch into a grin, exposing the dimples on his cheeks. he intertwined their fingers together as he leaned on innie's shoulder, eyes fluttering close as he attempt to nap.

"i love you too."

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