twenty eight

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jeongin was rushing around the room like a crazed little child because of the call they received earlier. it was minho, hyunjin's step brother whom now they are friends with. a year ago, minho reached out to sincerely apologize and the two could see the genuineness in him so why not forgive the boy? thankfully, they put all the past behind them and at times they would even hang out if their not busy with business deals. what he did with jeongin was more than traumatizing to say the least, but slowly he learned to forgive the older. it was for the best and he healed faster from it.

ever since the younger could manage to walk again, he has been running around the house and its making hyunjin's head hurt. it was like he was taking care of a male version of akira. "baby could you please calm down. it's just a brunch at his place you know. nothing too fancy." he said as he buttoned his navy blue polo and tucked it loosely inside his black fitted slacks. he ran a finger through his hair before tying it half up half down just like he usually does.

jeongin looked at him with an exasperated look. "babe i cant go out looking like a bum! if only we had actually washed our clothes instead of doing something else then maybe i would have something to  wear." jeongin rolled his eyes as he was clad in jeans similar to the older and he was so irritated its making hyunjin laugh more. he was so bratty when he's mad its cute. 

"you don't even have to try . you can wear anything and you would still look good." hyunjin said truthfully before handing the younger one of his plain black shirt. "just wear this innie, we need to leave." he ordered and there was some strictness in his voice so even though the younger was annoyed, he obeyed because he doesn't want to get the older mad and put it over his head. the shirt wasn't oversized but it looks like it was when he wore it. his body was too small and petite for hyunjin's regular shirts.

"ok but you have to let me put make on." hyunjin drag out a whine before finishing putting his belt on and swiftly carrying the younger by scooping him bridal style. "baby he's already texting me. you don't need that either you're already pretty with a bare..." he eyed jeongin's body with a suggestive smirk and that earned him a slap. "ow! i was gonna say bare face!" the younger giggled before they went out rushing through the door, slightly struggling to lock it since he has jeongin in his arms. when they were done, the two bolted right for the stairs and out of their two story mansion. both were panting as they got inside the car where the older drove out of the driveway.

"i really need to work out, i'm so unfit." jeongin whined from shotgun as he tried to catch his breath, poking his soft stomach and looking at the older to see if he agrees. hyunjin on the other hand just chuckled. "are the exercises we do not enough for you?" he taunted clearly fooling around. that earned him a light slap on the arm again while he continuously laugh. he find it cute how jeongin was insecure of his body. if only he could see how more than perfect he was to the older.

"hwang hyunjin you're such a dirty pig." he mumbled with a small laugh. he watch as the trees pass by in a slow, steady pace. hyunjin always drove very carefully specially when the younger's riding with him, and jeongin's heart warmed at how thoughtful that is of him. "tsk innie. that's not usually what you say in bed though?" he swiftly looked at the younger and gave him a lopsided smile." it usually goes like ah hyunj-"

"babe that's enough!" jeongin was turning bright red as he scolded him, trying to stop him from imitating his moans and begs in bed. he find it rather embarrassing to hear himself say those words, but who could blame him? having control over yourself while you're being bedded by hyunjin is quite impossible. he always crumbled into a moaning, screaming mess when they were doing it.


"look who's finally here." minho was clad in a full black outfit that made him look taller and slimmer than he already was. he had only a white turtle neck peeping through the velvet black suit, the only color popping out instead of black. his brown hair was ruffled messily as if he just ran his fingers through it. he gave both his brother and jeongin a warm smile and a side hug before assisting them inside his mansion.

"oh shush. blame it on the princess for taking way too long as usual." hyunjin joked as he wrap his hand around the waist of the younger who looked at him in disbelief. they were walking on the carpeted, narrow hallways where the walls were decorated with expensive and rare artwork pieces "no, blame it on your brother for being such a pig and always bringing sex in whe-"

"ok lovebirds thats too much, i had heard enough already." minho interrupted, laughing as they walk towards his dining room. the two continued to bicker and joke around and it only stopped when they were finally sat around the table. the room was huge, with tall ceilings and towering windows. everything in it looked expensive and it scared the younger because with his clumsiness, he just hoped he'd break nothing.

"so i ended up ordering instead if that's fine with you guys? i had just gotten out of a meeting and I didn't have enough time to warn the chefs that you were coming." minho said into a rant and the two just brushed it off. it doesn't matter what they eat as long as they were together and were bonding again. "it's fine hyung. besides, we could still catch up more while we wait for the food to arrive." jeongin said, scooting his chair closer to hyunjin. this is what minho loved in the younger. he was always so kind. so sweet.

"yes . how are you by the way? you've been gone for like a week and akira's already going crazy about you. i swear it feels like she's treating you more like her dad." jeongin laughed along with minho who was in fact close to the child. well of course he is, because whenever he would come over he'd spoil akira with so many toys it was impossible to choose from them.

"the company's back on track, thankfully and of course akira loves his uncle. who doesn't." minho joked and the conversation went on lightly for a couple of minutes before a maid interrupted them, informing the arrival of the food. just as minho was about to stand up to get it from outside, hyunjin beat him to it and offered to get it himself instead.

minho resisted the urge to smirk.

his plan was working.

"are you sure?" he cleared his throat, faking concern. "yeah why not? i'll be right back." hyunjin said before bolting right through the doorway. then it was just the younger and minho left at the dining room. "so minho, i was thinking that we maybe could-" jeongin cut himself off when he saw the older's demeanor change drastically. the nice, genuine facade he had was long gone and instead a sinister smirk appeared across his face.

"you don't know how long i've been waiting for this time to come, innie." he grunted, folding his sleeves as he took menacing, slow steps towards the younger who was in pure confusion. he couldn't bring himself to walk or run because he was frozen in fear. "h-hyung what are you saying?" he asked, hands trembling as he attempted to stand once more. he watch with wide eyes as the older took a cloth from his pocket.

"what... help! h-help hyunjin!" jeongin was frantic but it was too late as the cloth had already pressed down his nose and as soon as he inhaled accidentally, he was out fast. minho looked at the maid and nodded his head, indicating an order to call for his men to get on with their plan. the plan they've been forming for years.

"finally got you all to myself."

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