The Return Of George

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After what felt like a year, George returned from the Ireland/Scotland tour. He had to do one more gig that night in Liverpool, then he'd be all mine for a whole week. I was so excited!

Anne arrived at my door at around 7pm and we got a taxi over to the Grafton Ballroom. Anne looked stunning in a blue dress which John had bought her after their wedding. I wore a purple dress which Ringo and Paul had bought me, for 'being fab' they had told me. We could tell we had almost arrived due to the amount of girls that were queueing outside the building! 'And just to think' Anne said. 'These girls would do anything to have John and George. We must be pretty fantastic!'

'And that you are' the taxi driver replied. He pulled over outside the building. 'You don't have to pay me, John and George paid me earlier' They're such gentlemen.

So now we had to face the crowd, somehow escape this taxi and arrive at the concert safely. With a little help from a bodyguard John and George had sent, we fought through a never ending swarm of girls and arrived backstage.

'Rose!' I heard George call.

'George!' I screamed, then ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

'And here are the Beatles' I heard a man call from the stage.

'I'll see you later baby, I love you!'' he said.

'Good luck!' I called after him.

Me and Anne watched from the wings as the loves of our lives took to the stage. They performed the entirety of their new record 'Please Please Me', along with a few B-sides. George did a cute introduction for 'Do You Want to Know a Secret', announcing it as a song written for the most beautiful girl in the world. I could hear Brian close by say 'Oh no...'. He didn't want the fans knowing that any of them had girlfriends or wives. But it didn't bother me, I was thrilled.

They closed the show and George came backstage and kissed me. 'I've been dying to do that for ages!'

The Beatles family all went out for drinks afterwards, but George declined as he said we had 'some catching up to do'.

As we arrived back home, George locked the door and turned to me. 'I've missed you baby' he whispered. Before I could say anything, he took hold of my hand and began to kiss me. We made our way to the sofa and undressed each other. I lay down and he lay on top of me, caressing my body with his hands. His fingers ran through my hair. He slowly began to plant kisses on my neck, then we did what I'd been waiting for all week. Made love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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