8-Don't You Trust Me?

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James drove me to school to avoid my mom seeing me hungover. On the ride, James babbled on and on about how this was the second time I came home drunk, and how he would tell my mom if it happened again. He then went on talking about how my brain cells were being damaged and I was being irresponsible.

He dropped me off at school still rambling. "We'll be speaking when you get home." He said. "And I'm telling your mom about Rori."

"Tell her whatever you want." I spat. He shook his head at me as I got out of the car heading towards the building. He just had a way of aggravating me. He acted like he was my dad. It was so frustrating.

Someone caught up to me and linked their arm around my shoulder. "Hey there Kingo." Rori said. There was a musty ash smell on him. It clouded and overpowered the other smells around me.

"You smell like cigarettes." I told him.

"Yeah, I had one earlier." He admitted nonchalantly, like it was normal.

I stopped in my tracks, causing him to stop in front of me. "Rori are you crazy?! You're like ten years under the legal limit."

He rolled his eyes. "First of all, you just called me eleven." I crossed my arms. "Second of all, I didn’t think judging was really your thing especially after what you did last night." He turned on his heel and continued walking.

What did I do last night?

I caught up with him and pulled him by his leather jacket, yanking him back to stop. My eyes glared into his. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember?" He asked.

I dug through my mind to try and recover memories, but the only ones I got were of Rena grinding her ass on me. The image of that made my stomach turn. Did something happen after that? Did I... "Did Rena and I sleep together?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows. "Is that what you want?"

I shook my head. "No. I just..."

"You kissed some frat guy." He said. "And you were very much into it."

My mouth gaped. I couldn’t find anything to say. I kissed a guy and I liked it, but it's not like I remembered. Had I been sober it wouldn’t have happened. I was completely into people who were the opposite gender of me.

"No." I said.

"Yes." He countered.

"No." I stared into his eyes.

"Yes." He said nodding.


"I'm not doing this forever Kingo." He said. "Not many people know, so I wouldn’t worry too much. Unless Rena decides to be a total bitch and tell everyone."

My heart rate sped up and I could only think of what would happen if this spread around. "I am never getting drunk again." I said hanging my head.

Rori smiled at me. "Well at least you kissed someone that night."

I blushed. Yeah it was great that my first kiss was wasted like that. I didn’t even know the person. All I knew was that my first kiss was a male. I was definitely not counting it.

"I'm going to class." I said.

"Wait. There's a game tonight. Do you want to go with me?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don’t know." I said. "Every time I hang out with you, bad things happen."

"It'll be just us, like at the carnival." He said. "I promise." He gave me a grin. "Don't you trust me?"

I crossed my arms. "No, not now I don’t." I said. He frowned. "I think we should give each other space."

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