15-A Party With An Ex

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Cold water splashed onto my face and I immediately sat up from the beach chair I had been sleeping on oh so peacefully. My eyes shot open, though they were not visible under the dark shade of my sunglasses. I turned my head to see Aury next to me. She wore a black bathing suit and carried a red cup that had been filled with water.

I wiped my face with my hands and stood up from the chair. I hated having her around. She was too perky, too materialistic, and always seemed to want to talk about boys, most exclusively, Rori. Why was she here then? Well, James and my mom had gone off to some beach in New York or whatever and literally forced me to invite someone over to make sure I didn’t go to my room. They had been keeping me out of my perfect sanction because apparently I had been there too much. I missed four days of school, and half of Friday just to mope around in my room.

I invited Aury because she was the person I hated the least. So we hung out by the pool in the back yard of my house.

She smiled at me with her hands on her hips. I couldn’t help but notice the other wandering bodies behind her. They were people I didn’t know, people who weren’t supposed to be here. I knew they were real. I couldn’t be seeing ghosts again.

"You fell asleep again Ben." She said to me.

"And where were you?" I asked.

She giggled. "I brought company." She said. I watched as more people poured out into the pool area, some were struggling carrying a keg, and others with materials like cups.

"What the hell is that?!" I said.

Aury bit her lip and turned to see the keg. "Refreshments." She said.

I looked around at the mounds of people that just poured through the door. A loud sound caused me to cover my ears. I could feel the air around me vibrating. Someone had turned on a stereo. Was this a party? Was Aury literally throwing a party in James's house?!

I walked over to the keg as the people placed it down. I took my glasses off and tossed them aside. "I want this out, now." I said.

One of the guys with lazy red eyes looked down at me and smiled. "Chill out man." He said. "Have a drink." Even though I didn’t accept it, he still poured me one and handed it to me.

I looked at him up and down. "Are you high?" I asked.

He laughed. "No, I'm Oliver." I rolled my eyes.

I heard the sound of a loud splash and turned around. There were already people in the pool, mostly girls rubbing up on guys. It was pure agony to my eyes.

"James is going to kill me." I said quietly to myself.

Aury walked up to me and nudged me a bit. "Calm down, relax a little and have a drink." She said. "At least until your best friend comes."

I raised my eyebrows. "My what?" I asked.

"Best friend. It's Rori right. You two are always together."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, who did you say is coming?"

"Rori, as is Rorusen, Rorusen Valentine."

I heard her the first time, but I was wishing that my ears were deceiving me. Hearing his name so many times made my heart literally skip a beat. It was painful somehow, and I hated him for making me feel this way.

I turned around and started walking. "Where are you going?" Aury screamed through the loud music.

"To my room to plot my suicide." I said. "Don't worry I'll be ba-" I bumped into a hard chest and went stumbling back.

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