5-A Day At The Carnival

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I woke up with a throbbing headache. My insides felt like they were turning into mush and my head felt like someone was using it as a drum.  I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and turned on the light. I groaned.

Was I hungover for the first time? Was I proud of my new accomplishment? It's certainly something i wouldn’t tell my mom about.

I remembered drinking at the bar, but that was it. Hopefully I didn’t do anything stupid. I didn’t trust that Rori would lead me to the right decisions.

I heard my room door creak open. Walking out of the bathroom I saw that James had walked in. He sized me up. "The Rori boy brought you home last night drunk. If I were your dad I’d advise you not to hang around such boys, but since you only live under my roof I can only shun you from bringing him over again."

I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t in the mood. I looked so gross and my eyes were all puffy. "Get ready. I'm driving you to school. I wont tell your mom if you behave."

Behave? What was I, four? He left and I headed to the closet.

I wore a black Batman shirt and my plaid pajama bottoms. James assured me the head master wouldn’t be too happy about that and would make sure to call me out, but i didn’t care. I just exited his car and put my shades on as I walked into the school. Everyone watched me as I walked in. They looked at me from head to toe.

"Omigod! he's wearing like pajamas." A girl said. "He's so cute."

What the hell. I looked like a bum and she said I was cute. She wouldn’t say that if I took off my glasses. Someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Rori. Anger bubbled up inside of me.

"Hey Kingo." He said. "How's the weather in there?"

I yanked my arm away. "Look at me." I said. "My head feels like it's about to explode and my stomach feels like its being twisted by a giant wrench. I thought you said I could trust you?"

"Sorry, it was only just a little bit of alcohol." He said. "Do you remember anything from that night?"

I shook my head. "No."

He sighed in relief. "Good." Why was that good? What did i do? I turned around to walk to class. "Wait!" Rori called out. I turned around. "Want to skip class and go to the mall?"

"No thank you. I've gotten in enough shit with you around."

"Come on. I really want you to come. It wont be the same without you."

I wanted to smile at his sentiment, but I was too much in pain to. "If you want to hang out, my hours are after school. Now I must be getting to class."

"You're such a goody two shoes." Rori teased. "It's another thing that makes you so intriguing."

I smiled. "Bye Rori."

He waved and I went off.

During my classes with Rori he'd always try and talk to me when I was listening to the lecture. He would try things to get my attention and I'd get in trouble. I had one class with Aury in which she and I talked a bit. She seemed to only be less shy around Rori. Manning however didn’t even want to look at me. Rori told me he did that with everyone but him.

Rori caught me after school and begged me to go to the carnival with him. Just him and I. We weren’t going to be with anyone else. I gave in when he offered me funnel cake. "Let me call my mom and tell her I'm going." I said getting out my flip phone.

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