12-I Go By Max

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During Mr. Pit's class, I looked back at Rori about a hundred times. I would smile at him, and he would smile back and bite his lip. He also threw in a couple air kisses, and I laughed. Boy did that piss our teacher off. Mr. Pit had already hated Rori, and he was getting on the verge of hating me too.

When the bell rung everyone rushed out of the classroom besides Rori and Manning. I stood up and started heading out after I had packed up. My next class was across campus and I couldn’t miss it. Rori grabbed my hand and stopped me. I turned around.

"I have to get to-"

He smashed his lips onto mine. I let out a small gasp from surprise. It made him smile as he kissed me. I sighed as he pulled away, leaving me wanting more.

"I only get to do that so much in one day now, and I'm using every chance I get." He said. "Bye Kingo." He left the room with Manning, and I was left with a very confused, very curious Mr. Pit.

I twirled the golden ring on my finger. It helped for stress relief. All I could think about was what Aury said this morning, and how she was expecting Rori to ask her to the dance. Was I an asshole for saying yes? Did I even care? It wasn’t really my fault he likes me. And if I like him too, shouldn’t I have gone for it?

My face collided with a hard chest and I fell back onto the floor. My butt hit the hard tile. "Ouch!" I said. "Watch where you're-!"

"You!" The person said all too enthusiastically.

I looked up and my eyes caught a view of the boy that stood hovering over me. He was drop dead gorgeous. His hair was mostly very light brown with golden streaks in it. He had long bangs that went up defying every law of gravity. His eyes were ocean blue. He was tall, and lean. The guy looked familiar to me, but I couldn’t tell where from.

He offered his hand to help me, but I declined and got up myself. "Yes?" I said.

"You're the kid, from that frat party." He said.

I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to like finding out who this guy was. "Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't remember me?" He asked. "Well, you were pretty drunk. I'm the guy who kissed you during the game of spin the bottle." A smirk appeared on his face.

A small memory of his pink lips being pressing against mine popped into my head. It made me blush deeply and fidget more with my ring. Well, at least my first kiss wasn’t all that bad looking.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Don't you go to college?"

"My little brother goes here." He said.

I nodded. "Well it's nice meeting ya'..." I waited for him to finish.

"I go by Max, Max Payton." He said.

I smiled. "I have to get to class." I tried to get by him but he stopped me.

"Wait." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. "My band plays on Thursdays at the bar. You should swing by."

Was he attempting to become friends with me? "I don’t think so." I said.

"Why not?"

I searched through my mind for any excuse. The truth was that I didn’t want to even speak to the guy. He made me uneasy, like he was waiting to snag another kiss from me at any time. "I...u-uh..um." I bit my lip. God I was bad at this.

"Would you rather go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked with a kind smile.

"I'm sorry, you're a day too late." I said.

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