9-What Happened The Night After The Bar

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This isn’t a real chapter, but just an explanation of what happened the night after "An Unexpected Party" and what Ben can't remember from his hangover. Just incase you wanted to know.

The door to my room flew open and I fell onto the floor, groaning when the sick feeling in my stomach erupted. Rori stood behind me, and pulled me to my feet, holding me close to his person.

"I-I wanna gooo back to the bar." I ambled as Rori lead me further into the room.

"You need to get sleep and sober up." He said. He treated me as if I were his kid. He lead me over to the bed and laid me down gently.

"I m'not drunnnnk." I slurred. "Or sleepy." I tried to get back up but he pushed me back down. I whined arching my back like a cat.

Rori looked down at me with eyes full of what looked like lust. His gaze moved over my body, and then to my lips as they curled into  pout. "I wanna drink beer."

He snapped out of his daze and blinked. "You make me crazy Kingo." He said randomly. His words only went through one ear, and I couldn’t decipher what he was saying.

His face came down more. His nose almost brushed mine. "Rori?" I slurred. "Whader yu doin."

He ignored the question and lightly brushed his lips against mine, sending shivers down my spine. It caused me to inhale deeply. The feeling was like electricity shooting through me. Delightful but strange at the same time.

He pressed his lips softly against mine. His chaste kisses only made me want more. Then I began to remember that he was a guy, and I was a guy, and I didn't kiss guys.

A smile formed on my face of the new found discovery. "Y-You're a boy." I said.

He brushed my hair back with his hand. "Are you just figuring that out?" He said with a smile.

I laughed. "I wannnnna beer!" I whined.

He sighed shaking his head and brushing his nose once again against mine. His lips were once again centimeters from mine. "I swear you're going to be the death of me."

"Rorusen?" James's voice made Rori shoot up across the room. I smiled at James as I sat up on my bed. "What's going on?"

"James you look nice today." Rori said. "Did you do something with your hair?"

I jumped off of my bed and ran straight to James, throwing my arms around him in a big hug. "James! I jus' wanted tuh tell yuu how much I appreciate yuu." I said. "I'm sowy I'm such a asssshole."


"Shh." I shushed him. "I want you'd know that yuu arrrrr a great man." I jabbed a finger at his chest.

"Are you... drunk?"

I smiled and chuckled. "Is that a trick question?"

His eyes shot over to Rori. Rori shrugged and chewed on his lip. James crossed his arms. "You got Ben drunk, and then you try and make out with him?"

"No. Ben got drunk, and it so happened that we kissed."

James shook his head. "You better hope Ben never finds out about this." He threatened. "Go."

'"No!" I protested. "I wan him to stay."

James looked over to me. He took me by the arm and dragged me over to the bed where he laid me down to sleep.

"Noooooo!" I whined, but the drowsiness in my eyes overpowered my thought. James tucked the blankets around me and soon I felt myself falling asleep.

The last thing I heard were James and Rori's conversation.

"I like him." Rori said to James.

James sighed. "I don’t think you're such a good fit for him."

Rori nodded, understanding. "I know. But I'll try no matter what. I want him, and I'm determined to have him."

"You're making a mistake." James said. "But I'll let you leave now, and I wont tell him. I hope you too decide to keep it secret."

My eyes began to flutter and the words they spoke became blurry. Soon I was drifting, and my eyes fully closed letting the darkness of sleep swallow me.

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