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Rori POV

I threw my phone across my room after I heard the line go dead. It smashed against the wall and hit the floor. The phone was expensive and my dad would probably kill me for breaking it, but I didn't care right now. The only thing I felt was pain. All morning, all afternoon, all night. I tried to forget about Ben, but every time I tried, I'd remember what I lost.

My room door swung open and my dad's face popped up on the other side. He looked at me differently now that he thought I caused his breakup with Marilyn. Almost everyday he threatened me, and every other day he'd slap me when he got tired. He'd come home at two o'clock drunk, and would barely spend a minute with me.

Right now my dad was ready and dressed up for a dinner we were going to have with family. I was going to see my asshole grandfather and grandmother, on his side of course.

He came in closer. "Your report card came in." My dad said. His tone was telling me that it wasn't all that good. I had always had an B average, and I was constantly yelled at for it. My dad expected A's, and A's only.

He walked over to me and handed me the unfolded sheet of paper. From the top to bottom the grades ranged from C's to F's, nothing else. I gazed up at my dad.

"What the hell is this?" He asked. "C's aren't going to get you into a good college, and I wont stand that my son has them." I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed. He shook his head at me. "I outta beat some sense into you. What has gotten into you lately?"

"Maybe it's the fact that my dad hits me to get rid of his anger."

He raised his finger at me. "Don't talk back to me Rorusen?!" He scolded. "I think I know damn right what's gotten into you. It's a girl, isn't it? You always slip on your grades when you've got your eyes on someone."

I rolled my eyes. "Get lost dad." I said.

He didn't move. "You better make sure this bitch isn't the one making you ruin your life, or I will have to take some repercussions."

I wanted to punch him, but I wouldn't. Even though I had a short temper I knew better than to fight someone who was ten times stronger than what I was. I gave him a fake smile. "I don't think that would be such a great idea seeing that his father is James Morlen."

My dad narrowed his eyes. "He?"

I nodded. "And he's got a mean swing, so I wouldn't square up on him if I were you."

He shook his head and rubbed his thumb along his forehead. He took a few steps closer to me. "He, as in a boy?"

I crossed my arms. "Yes, as in a boy."

My dad didn't seem to believe it. His eyes were widened, but his tone told me that he thought it was a lie, or he was wishing it were. "Y-You're not gay...My son will not be a faggot."

"Then I suggest you find a new son." I said.

He grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me closer to him. His grip was aggressive and showed no mercy. His eyes burned with anger and hostility. I tried to wriggle away but found no strength on my end.

"You are not going to be some cock sucking faggot?!" He threw me against the wall and I hit my head hard on the drywall. I fell to my knees and looked up to the blur of my father. A pounding headache ruptured in my head and I clenched my jaw.

"Generations of well made Valentine men and my son has to be the faggot?" He kicked me in the jaw, then punched me in the nose. My head hung over as the red thick liquid dripped from my nose.

"Are you proud of yourself?" He asked me with another kick at my gut.

I collapsed onto my back. "V-Very." I uttered. That wasn't the best idea.

He sent a blow to my side, and a sharp pain exploded in my rib. Could it be broken, or bruised? I didn't care right now. At this moment I was scared, no, terrified that I wasn't going to get out much alive. He never got so angry, and I was afraid what he might do.

He took me by the neck and began to choke me like a rag doll. "You're a disgrace." He said. "I should light this house up with you in it. A demon like you doesn't belong in this world."

I choked and wheezed feeling his fingers tighten on my throat. The whole world was fuzzy and I was light headed. I could barely hold on any longer. He threw me over to my dresser where I hit the ground hard. I took in painful breaths.

He approached me quickly. I wrapped my hand around a handle hidden under the dresser. It was a knife I hid ever since the night when I was nine when he came home angry and drunk. I made sure I always had an escape if he was out of control.

Once the angry man got close enough I whipped it out and plunged it into his chest. He gaped his mouth, surprised. He let out a wheeze as he tried to pull on the handle, but he had no strength to. I twisted the knife in his flesh. It was enough to leave him in too much pain to move. I let go as he fell to the ground. 

My body was weak, but I managed to crawl over to the door. I left the house and got into my car dripping of blood, with a fuzzy view and very little stability. I turned on the car and drove. My foot pressed lightly on the gas as my hand grazed over the wheel. I drove for ten minutes until I reached the familiar silver gate.

I could barely walk and began to feel sicker and sicker. I coughed blood, and fell to the ground many times as I was making my way to the front door. Nausea took over every second, leaving vertigo and a pounding headache. I was afraid I wasn't going to make it, that I'd die here.

When I got to the door I managed to ring the bell, but then collapsed, feeling the energy I had was gone. My eyes were beginning to fade to darkness, and my body was giving up on the fight it was losing. 

I heard the door creak open, and a panicked voice call my name. James, I presumed it to be because Ben didn't sound like a forty year old man. 

He went to his knee. He spoke softly in sentences I couldn't understand. I shook my head. "Rori...You're going to be fine, okay?"

My mouth opened. I felt like I had to pry it open just to speak. I was losing my control. Soon I wouldn't be able to even utter a word.

"Ben..." I said at last. James nodded, understanding, but he wouldn't leave my sight.

I began to cough up more blood, then wheezed as I felt my limbs go numb. A circle of darkness closed in on me. I began to drift into what seemed like endless oblivion. My eyes closed, and muffles of voices filled out as I shut down.

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